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Ergebnisse 21-30 von 32.
2022Construction industry: High price momentum continues, industry performing well despite COVID-19
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 1/2, S. 3-13
Gornig, Martin; Michelsen, Claus; Pagenhardt, Laura
2022Changes in working hours are driving earnings inequality
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 32/34, S. 195-201
Beckmannshagen, Mattis; Schröder, Carsten
2022Research and development in German industry: High intensity, low growth
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 51/52, S. 329-338
Belitz, Heike
2022From Hartz IV to Bürgergeld: Reform preferences of the long-term unemployed
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 29/31, S. 183-192
Beckmann, Fabian; Heinze, Rolf G.; Schad, Dominik; Schupp, Jürgen
2022A higher retirement age has negative health effects
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 41, S. 259-265
Barschkett, Mara; Geyer, Johannes; Haan, Peter
2022Heat Monitor 2020 and 2021: Heating energy consumption down slightly but climate targets still not met
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 42/44, S. 269-279
Köveker, Till; Kröger, Mats; Schütze, Franziska
2022Markedly more women on executive boards of large companies: Inclusion requirement seemingly already having an effect
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 3/4, S. 20-31
Kirsch, Anja; Sondergeld, Virginia; Wrohlich, Katharina
2022Tax revenue: Swifter recovery during the coronavirus pandemic than during the global financial crisis
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 11, S. 77-84
van Deuverden, Kristina
2022ECB can lower fuel and heating costs by increasing interest rates but would risk economic recovery
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 14/15/16, S. 109-115
Ider, Gökhan; Kriwoluzky, Alexander; Kurcz, Frederik
2022Refugees in Germany perceived higher discrimination in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic
In: Band: 12, 2022, Heft: 17/18, S. 119-127
Cardozo, Adriana R.; Prömel, Christopher; Zinn, Sabine