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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 18.
2021Influences of economic policy uncertainty on corporate social responsibility information disclosure
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 843-862
Wang, Jieqiong; Zhang, Xiao; Dai, Mingjie
2021A muldimensional approach of the relationship between teleworking and employees well-being: Romania during the pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 586-600
Miron, Dumitru; Petcu, Monica Aureliana; David-Sobolevschi, Maria Iulia; Cojocariu, Radu Cezar
2021Teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic: Determining factors of perceived work productivity, job performance, and satisfaction
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 620-636
Mihalca, Loredana; Irimiaș, Tudor; Brendea, Gabriela
2021The economic and social impact of teleworking in Romania: Present practices and post pandemic developments
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 787-804
Khan, Syed Abdul Rehman; Godil, Danish Iqbal; Bibi, Munaza; Zhang, Yu; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Ahsan
2021The impact of workaholism and work engagement on distant learning and work-family conflict during the COVID-19 lockdown
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 752-769
Loscalzo, Yura
2021Teachers' and professors' perception of telework in Romania
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 736-751
Sârbu, Maria-Alexandra; Mirea, Cosmin-Nicolae; Mihai, Mihaela; Nistoreanu, Puiu; Dadfar, Elham
2021The mediating role of the ability to adapt to teleworking to increase the organizational performance
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 654-668
Busu, Mihail; Gyorgy, Attila
2021Telework during the COVID-19 pandemic: An approach from the perspective of Romanian enterprises
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 700-717
Turkeș, Mirela Cătălina; Stăncioiu, Aurelia-Felicia; Băltescu, Codruța Adina
2021The impact of hybrid workplace models on intangible assets: The case of an emerging country
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 770-786
Radonić, Milenko; Vukmirović, Valentina; Milosavljević, Miloš
2021Determinants of employees' option for preserving teleworking after the COVID-19 pandemic
In: Band: 23, 2021, Heft: 58, S. 669-682
Georgescu, Georgiana-Camelia; Gherghina, Rodica; Duca, Ioana; Postole, Mirela Anca; Constantinescu, Carmen Maria