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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 68.
2023Implementation of Energy Efficiency Improvement Measures in Romania and the Role of Professional Accountants
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 63, S. 479-502
Calu, Daniela Artemisa; Davidescu, Adriana Ana Maria; Irimescu, Alina Mihaela; Dumitru, Corina-Graziella Batca; Avram, Viorel
2023EU Decarbonisation: Do EU Electricity Costs Harm Export Competitiveness?
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 63, S. 522-540
Zábojník, Stanislav; Steinhauser, Dusšn; Peštova, Viktóriá
2023How Family Character Affect the Financing of Environmental Protection Strategies and Energy-Saving Measures
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 63, S. 503-521
Lopez-Cozar-Navarro, Cristina; Priede-Bergamini, Tiziana; Benito-Hernandez, Sonia
2023The Effect of Digital Transformation on Manufacturing Enterprise Performance
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 63, S. 593-609
Wang, Di; Shao, Xuefeng; Song, Yang; Shao, Hualu; Wang, Longqi
2023Can Health Insurance Improve the Happiness of the Romanian People?
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 64, S. 903-918
Muresan, Gabriela Mihaela; Mare, Codruta; Lazar, Dan Tudor; Lazar, Sorin Paul
2023Assessment of the Effectiveness of Investment in R&D by European Union Countries
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 62, S. 251-264
Ginevičius, Romualdas
2023Investigating Determining Factors Affecting the Waste Collection Rate From Electrical and Electronic Equipment
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 62, S. 134-146
Ciobanu, Radu; Huru, Dragoș; Ștefan, George; Florescu, Margareta; Mihai, Danut; Dobre, Florin
2023International Tax Planning and Ownership Structure in the Czech Republic
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 64, S. 867-884
Jedlička, Vít
2023Abusive Workplace Behavior: Behavioral and Legal Insights
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 62, S. 235-250
Tziner, Aharon; Bar-Mor, Hadara; Geva, Lilach; Levi, Haim; Shkoler, Or
2023Effect of Social Media Marketing of Luxury Brands on Brand Equity, Customer Equity and Customer Purchase Intention
In: Band: 25, 2023, Heft: 62, S. 265-282
Ahmed, Rizwan Raheem; Zaidi, Erum Zahoor; Alam, Syed Hasnain; Streimikiene, Dalia; Parmar, Vishnu