Ruhr Economic Papers, RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

ISSN: 1864-4872

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 1089
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023City Shape and Air PollutionGallé, Johannes
2023External pay transparency and the gender wage gapFrimmel, Wolfgang; Schmidpeter, Bernhard; Wiesinger, Rene; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
2023A mechanism of proportional contributions for public good gamesRafat Beigpoor Shahrivar; Duesterhoeft, Ilka; Rogna, Marco; Vogt, Carla
2023Green parties and building permissions: Evidence from Bavarian municipalitiesHufschmidt, Patrick
2023The divergence of school track choices after Covid-19Breidenbach, Philipp; Hörnig, Lukas; Schaffner, Sandra
2023Long-term effects of historical inheritance customs on household formation and gender disparitiesSüß, Karolin
2023Retirement and lonelinessGuthmuller, Sophie; Heger, Dörte; Hollenbach, Johannes; Werbeck, Anna
2023Differences in how and why social comparisons and real-time feedback impact resource use: Evidence from a field experimentAndor, Mark Andreas; Götte, Lorenz; Price, Michael Keith; Schulze Tilling, Anna; Tomberg, Lukas
2023Monetary policy in the presence of supply constraints: Evidence from German firm-level dataBalleer, Almut; Noeller, Marvin
2023Subsidies, information, and energy-efficient cookstove adoption: A randomized uncontrolled trial in rural EthiopiaMalan, Mandy; Voors, Marten; Ankel-Peters, Jörg; Seje, Selan J.; Heuburger, Lotte; Seid, Dawud; Mitiku, Abiyot
2023Conflicts and political intervention: Evidence from the anti-open grazing laws in NigeriaHufschmidt, Patrick; Ume, Chukwuma Otum
2023Demographics, labor market power and the spatial equilibriumFurbach, Nina
2023Determinants of climate change perception and behaviour of European householdsHorbach, Jens
2023Geographic constraints and the housing supply elasticity in GermanyBeze, Eyayaw
2023The geography of refugee shocksGlitz, Albrecht; Hörnig, Lukas; Körner, Konstantin; Monras, Joan
2023Repeated Contests with DrawsFranke, Jörg; Metzger, Lars P.
2023Religious terrorism, forced migration, and women's empowerment: Evidence from the Boko Haram insurgencyElice, Paola; Martínez Flores, Fernanda; Reichert, Arndt R.
2023Life-cycle health effects of compulsory schoolingSchmitz, Hendrik; Tawiah, Beatrice Baaba
2023Migration response to an immigration shock: Evidence from Russia's aggression against UkraineZuchowski, David
2023Wisdom and prosocial behaviorAndor, Mark Andreas; Grossmann, Igor; Hönow, Nils Christian; Tomberg, Lukas
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 1089
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