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Results 1-10 of 16.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022The theory of human relatedness as a potential underlying causative mechanism in nursing student placement experiences: A UK-based critical realist study
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 1, p. 44-65
Coleman, Phil
2022Swedish vocational adult education in the wake of marketisation
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 1, p. 1-22
Andersson, Per; Muhrman, Karolina
2022Changing skill formation in Greece and Italy: Crisis-induced reforms in light of common institutional legacies
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 3, p. 340-362
Baumann, Fabienne-Agnes; Vossiek, Janis
2022A processual perspective on whole-class- scaffolding in business education
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 2, p. 216-238
Hermkes, Rico; Minnameier, Gerhard; Heuer-Kinscher, Manon
2022Profiles in teachers' value-based tensions in senior secondary vocational education and training
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 3, p. 316-339
Tielman, Kennedy; Wesselink, Renate; den Brok, Perry; Hirzalla, Fadi
2022Teacher trainees' experiences of the components of ICT competencies and key factors in ICT competence development in work-based vocational teacher training in Finland
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 2, p. 146-166
Vilppola, Jiri; Lämsä, Joni; Vähäsantanen, Katja; Hämäläinen, Raija
2022Input from the grassroots level: Reflecting challenges and problems for VET professionals in Germany
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 2, p. 239-268
Anselmann, Sebastian; Harm, Stefan; Faßhauer, Uwe
2022Collective skill formation regimes in times of Covid-19: A governance-focused analysis of the German dual training system
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 2, p. 167-194
Fassbender, Uwe
2022Sense of coherence among apprentices in vocational education and training in Norway: Exploring general resistance resources in work-based learning
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 3, p. 363-389
Hanssen, Grete; Utvær, Britt Karin
2022The work of programme managers in state-funded employer-driven Swedish higher VET
In: volume: 9, 2022, issue: 2, p. 195-215
Köpsén, Johanna