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Humanitäre Logistiknetzwerke

Dokument gelöscht auf Wunsch der Autor:in bzw. der Herausgeber:in.

ild Schriftenreihe Logistikforschung No. 47
MA Akademie Verlags- und Druck-Gesellschaft mbH, Essen
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
Due to the complexity of the business as well as humanitarian supply chain structure the interest of collaboration significantly increased. Collaboration in supply chains is fundamental to gain success, to share information as well as risks, to reduce costs and to increase customer satisfaction. Therefore selecting and evaluating strategic partner in a supply chain in particular humanitarian supply chain based on appropriate criteria and procedure are highly necessary for obtaining an efficient performance. This research study provides relevant criteria for a selection and evaluation of strategic business partner that are involved in a logistics network.
Research Report

Dokument gelöscht auf Wunsch der Autor:in bzw. der Herausgeber:in am: 5. August 2021

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