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Texto para Discussão No. 2044
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Brasília
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
In this paper we analyze the social housing supply by "Minha Casa Minha Vida" (MCMV) program in Brazil, aimed at low-wage families (earning up to R$ 1,600 per month), as well as the housing shortage ("deficit habitacional") in a similar wage range. The location of MCMV's housing estates is analyzed through time in five metropolitan areas. MCMV' estates have been contracted in two phases, and we find that in the second phase distances between the estates and the metropolitan center have generally increased. Location of estates is also compared to the location of housing shortages, by means of a synthetic indicator - an index of global adherence (IA). This index associates distances to the center, weighted by the number of housing units and by the size of housing shortages, and provides a degree of their adjustment. This way, metropolitan areas show varying degrees of adjustment between supply and demand, and such information is complemented by a graphical analysis of their location. An explanation of each degree of adjustment is searched in the metropolitan dynamics and economy, and in their commuter behaviors. MCMV's operation has shown difficulty in finding well located and affordable land plots, so we suggest a further discussion of location within the program and the inclusion of criteria for the use of additional resources, in order to get better housing solutions in the metropolitan scale.
Minha Casa Minha Vida
Fundo de Arrendamento Residencial
housing shortage
metropolitan areas
Working Paper

2.3 MB

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