FIW Working Papers, FIW - Kompetenzzentrum 'Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft'

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 197
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015Export Competitiveness of Textile Commodities: A Panel Data ApproachArora, Tarun
2015The relevance of international spillovers and asymmetric effects in the Taylor ruleBeckmann, Joscha; Belke, Ansgar; Dreger, Christian
2015Organizational belief, managerial vision, and international tradeJung, Jaewon
2015On the nature of shocks driving exchange rates in emerging economiesKolev, Galina V.
2015Carbon emissions embodied in Russia's tradeMakarov, Igor A.; Sokolova, Anna K.
2015Firm efficiency and Input market integration Trade versus FDIImbruno, Michele
2015Monetary Union with a Single Currency and Imperfect Credit Market IntegrationBignon, Vincent; Breton, Régis; Breu, Mariana Rojas
2015A Dynamic North-South Model of Demand-Induced Product CyclesFoellmi, Reto; Hanslin, Sandra; Kohler, Andreas
2015Globalisation, Structural Change and Labour Productivity Growth in BRICS EconomyMallick, Jagannath
2015Does Outward Foreign Direct Investment affect domestic real wages? An investigation using French micro-dataGazaniol, Alexandre; Laffineur, Catherine
2015Export Diversification Effects of the WTO Trade Facilitation AgreementBeverelli, Cosimo; Neumüller, Simon; Teh, Robert
2015International liquidity shocks and the European sovereign debt crisis: Was euro area unconventional monetary policy successful?Everett, Mary M.
2015Sources of real exchange rate fluctuations in new EU member countriesMirdala, Rajmund
2015Switching to Exchange Rate Flexibility? The Case of Central and Eastern European Inflation TargetersDrygalla, Andrej
2015The EU, a Growth Engine? The Impact of European Integration on Economic Growth in Central Eastern EuropeMann, Katja
2015Regional Integration and the Rule of LawDanne, Christian
2015Trade and Productivity: The Family Connection ReduxPrettner, Klaus; Strulik, Holger
2015The Impact of UN and US Economic Sanctions on GDP GrowthNeuenkirch, Matthias; Neumeier, Florian
2015Recent Trends in Regional Financial Integration and Trade Liberalization in Maghreb Countries: A Multivariate Threshold Autoregressive AnalysisZenasni, Soumia
2015Economic and Social Upgrading Dynamics in Global Manufacturing Value Chains: A Comparative AnalysisBernhardt, Thomas; Pollak, Ruth
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 197