IMK Working Papers, Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK), Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

ISSN: 1861-2199

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 224
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Missing growth measurement in GermanySchreiber, Sven; Schmidt, Vanessa
2020The systemic risk of corporate credit securitization revisitedLojak, Benjamin; Theobald, Thomas
2019Death to the Cobb-Douglas production functionGechert, Sebastian; Havránek, Tomáš; Havránková, Zuzana; Kolcunova, Dominika
2019Preferences over wealth: Experimental evidenceGechert, Sebastian; Siebert, Jan
2019On (bootstrapped) cointegration tests in partial systemsSchreiber, Sven
2019The real-time information content of financial stress and bank lending on European business cyclesFiedler, Jakob; Ruzicka, Josef; Theobald, Thomas
2019Short-term macroeconomic evaluation of the German minimum wage with a VAR/VECMHerzog-Stein, Alexander; Logeay, Camille
2019Factor shares and the rise in corporate net lendingBehringer, Jan
2019The corporate sector and the current accountBehringer, Jan; Van Treeck, Till
2018Revisiting debt-led and export-led growth models: A sectoral balances approachBehringer, Jan; van Treeck, Till
2018Varieties of capitalism and growth regimes: The role of income distributionBehringer, Jan; van Treeck, Till
2018Changes of the price level and the nominal exchange rate can have quite different impacts on the trade balanceLindner, Fabian
2018Increasing competitiveness at any price? A dispute with Dustmann et al. (2014): "From sick man of Europe to economic superstar: Germany's resurgent economy"Albu, Nora; Joebges, Heike; Zwiener, Rudolf
2018FEP - the forecast evaluation package for gretl: Based on FEP version 2.1Tarassow, Artur; Schreiber, Sven
2018Euro area sovereign yield spreads as determinants of private sector borrowing costsTheobald, Thomas; Tober, Silke
2017Macroeconomic and stock market interactions with endogenous aggregate sentiment dynamicsFlaschel, Peter; Charpe, Matthieu; Galanis, Giorgos; Proaño, Christian R.; Veneziani, Roberto
2017Assessing the cross-country interaction of financial cycles: Evidence from a multivariate spectral analysis of the US and the UKStrohsal, Till; Proaño Christian R.; Wolters, Jürgen
2017Fiscal space on the Eurozone peripery: The case of SpainUxó González, Jorge; Álvarez Peralta, Nacho; Febrero, Eladio
2017Duration dependence as an unemployment stigma: Evidence from a field experiment in GermanyNüß, Patrick
2017Spillover effects of Germany's final demand on Southern EuropeSchröder, Enno; Picek, Oliver
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 224