MNB Occasional Papers, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

ISSN: 1585-5678

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 80
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025Green central bank measures and public trust: Empirical evidence from survey dataHorváth, Balázs István; Kolozsi, Pál Péter; Varga, Márton; Baranyai, Eszter; Lehmann, Kristóf; Banai, Ádám; Neszveda, Gábor
2024Estimating deposit interest rate pass-through in central and Eastern European countries using wavelet transform and error correction modelHajnal, Gábor; Hosszú, Zsuzsanna; Ozoróczy, Ákos Attila; Dancsik, Bálint
2024Labour flows in Hungary in 2002-2021 based on a comprehensive set of administrative dataErdélyi, Levente; Szabó, Lajos Tamás
2023Error spotting with gradient boosting: A machine learning-based application for central bank data qualityBurger, Csaba; Berndt, Mihály
2023ICT usage intensity in the Hungarian corporate sector: Stylised facts on microdataBerki, Tamás
2023The geography of climate change risk analysis at central banks in EuropeBurger, Csaba; Wójcik, Dariusz
2022Climate stress test of the Hungarian banking systemBokor, László
2022Defaulting alone: The geography of SME owner numbers and credit risk in HungaryBurger, Csaba
2022Characteristics of public workersSzabó, Lajos Tamás
2021Payment habits of the Hungarian households in 2020Deák, Vivien; Nemecskó, István; Végső, Tamás
2021Spillover effects of the European Central Bank's Expanded Asset Purchase Program to non-eurozone countries in Central and Eastern EuropeAntal, Mark; Kaszab, Lorant
2021Bank carbon risk index - A simple indicator of climate-related transition risks of lending activityBokor, László
2021Early warning performance of univariate credit-to-GDP gapsHosszú, Zsuzsanna; Lakos, Gergely
2020Unfolding the hidden structure of the Hungarian multi-layer firm networkBorsos, Andras; Stancsics, Martin
2020Funding for lending schemes should prioritize SME lendingSzékely, Barnabás
2019The effect of the introduction of online cash registers on reported turnover in HungaryLovics, Gábor; Szîoke, Katalin; Tóth, Csaba G.; Ván, Bálint
2018Forecasting excternal demand using BVAR modelsSzabó, Lajos Tamás
2018Credit-to-GDP gap calculation using multivariate HP filterKocsis, Levente; Sallay, Miklós
2017The cyclical position of housing prices: A VECM approach for HungaryBerki, Tamás; Szendrei, Tibor
2017The MNB's house price index methodologyBanai, Ádám; Vágó, Nikolett; Winkler, Sándor
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 80