Sveriges Riksbank Working Paper Series

ISSN: 1402-9103

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 387
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Four facts about international central bank communicationBertsch, Christoph; Hull, Isaiah; Lumsdaine, Robin L.; Zhang, Xin
2024Quantitative easing, bond risk premia and the exchange rate in a small open economyChristensen, Jens H. E.; Zhang, Xin
2024Optimal monetary policy with r* < 0Billi, Roberto M.; Galí, Jordi; Nakov, Anton
2024Monetary policy in Sweden after the end of Bretton WoodsBylund, Emma; Iversen, Jens; Vredin, Anders
2024Banking without branchesAmberg, Niklas; Becker, Bo
2024Climate impact assessment of retail payment servicesArvidsson, Niklas; Harahap, Fumi; Urban, Frauke; Nurdiawati, Anissa
2024Optimal contracts and inflation targets revisitedPersson, Torsten; Tabellini, Guido Enrico
2024Supply-chain finance: An empirical evaluation of supplier outcomesAmberg, Niklas; Jacobson, Tor; Qi, Yingjie
2024Potential climate impact of retail CBDC modelsArvidsson, Niklas; Harahap, Fumi; Urban, Frauke; Nurdiawati, Anissa
2023Central bank asset purchases: Insights from quantitative easing auctions of government bondsLaséen, Stefan
2023Price pass-through along the supply chain: Evidence from PPI and CPI microdataAhlander, Edvin; Carlsson, Mikael; Klein, Mathias
2023Effects of foreign and domestic central bank government bond purchases in a small open economy DSGE model: Evidence from Sweden before and during the coronavirus pandemicAkkaya, Yildiz; Belfrage, Carl-Johan; Di Casola, Paola; Strid, Ingvar
2023Fed QE and bank lending behaviour: A heterogeneity analysis of asset purchasesGrimaldi, Marianna; Kapoor, Supriya
2023Stablecoins: Adoption and fragilityBertsch, Christoph
2023Cash for transactions or store-of-value? A comparative study on Sweden and peer countriesClaussen, Carl Andreas; Segendorff, Björn; Seitz, Franz
2023Private bank money vs central bank money: A historical lesson for CBDC introductionGrodecka-Messi, Anna; Zhang, Xin
2023Do credit lines provide reliable liquidity insurance? Evidence from commercial-paper backup linesAmberg, Niklas
2023Dynamic credit constraints: Theory and evidence from credit linesAmberg, Niklas; Jacobson, Tor; Quadrini, Vincenzo; Rogantini Picco, Anna
2023Greenflation?Olovsson, Conny; Vestin, David
2022The low-carbon transition, climate commitments and firm credit riskCarbone, Sante; Giuzio, Margherita; Kapadia, Sujit; Krämer, Johannes Sebastian; Nyholm, Ken; Vozian, Katia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 387