Working Papers, European Research Center for Informations Systems (ERCIS), Universität Münster

ISSN: 1614-7448

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024An efficient implementation of a runtime for constraint-logic object-oriented programmingWinkelmann, Hendrik
2024A testing tool visualizing and ensuring data-flow coverageTroost, Laura
2021Applications of artificial intelligence in supply chain management: Identification of main research fields and greatest industry interestsLechtenberg, Sandra; Hellingrath, Bernd
2021Trusting me, trusting you - trusting technology? A multidisciplinary analysis to uncover the status quo of research on trust in technologyDistel, Bettina; Engelke, Katherine M.; Querfurth, Sydney
2021Data-Flow Analysis of BPMN-based Process-Driven Applications: Detecting anomalies across model and codeSchneid, Konrad; Di Bernardo, Sascha; Kuchen, Herbert; Thöne, Sebastian
2021Challenges and potentials of digitalisation for small and mid-sized towns: Proposition of a transdisciplinary research agendaBecker, Jörg; Distel, Bettina; Grundmann, Matthias; Hupperich, Thomas; Kersting, Norbert; Löschel, Andreas; Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo; Scholta, Hendrik
2020IT/IS strategy research and digitalization: An extensive literature reviewTeubner, Alexander; Stockhinger, Jan
2020Patient portals in German hospitals: Status quo and quo vadisPlattfaut, Ralf; Coners, André; Becker, Jörg; Vollenberg, Carolin; Koch, Julian; Godefroid, Marie; Halbach-Türscherl, David
2020Free objects in constraint-logic object-oriented programmingDageförde, Jan C.; Kuchen, Herbert
2019A model-driven approach for graphical user interface modernization reusing legacy servicesBünder, Hendrik
2019How digitalization drives the IT/IS strategy agendaStockhinger, Jan; Teubner, Alexander
2017Challenges of data management and analytics in omni-channel CRMTrautmann, Heike; Vossen, Gottfried; Homann, Leschek; Carnein, Matthias; Kraume, Karsten
2017A data model inference algorithm for schemaless process modelingRieger, Christoph
2016Technology selection for big data and analytical applicationsLehmann, Denis; Fekete, David; Vossen, Gottfried
2016A program transformation for converting Java assertions into control-flow statementsCaballero, Rafael; von Hof, Vincent; Montenegro, Manuel; Kuchen, Herbert
2015Marketplaces for digital data: Quo vadis?Stahl, Florian; Schomm, Fabian; Vomfell, Lara; Vossen, Gottfried
2015A classification framework for data marketplacesVomfell, Lara; Stahl, Florian; Schomm, Fabian; Vossen, Gottfried
2014SaaS cloud computing in small and medium enterprises: A comparison between Germany and New ZealandDillon, Stuart; Vossen, Gottfried
2014The data marketplace survey revisitedStahl, Florian; Schomm, Fabian; Vossen, Gottfried
2014Information systems freshmen teaching: Case experience from day onePflanzl, Nicolas; Bergener, Katrin; Stein, Armin; Vossen, Gottfried
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36
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