CeDEx Discussion Paper Series, The University of Nottingham

ISSN: 1749-3293

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 283
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Incentive contracts crowd out voluntary cooperation: Evidence from gift-exchange experimentsGächter, Simon; Kaiser, Esther; Königstein, Manfred
2024Social preferences and the variability of conditional cooperationBaader, Malte; Gächter, Simon; Lee, Kyeongtae; Sefton, Martin
2024Attribution of responsibility for corrupt decisionsMontero, María; Possajennikov, Alexandre; Verbel, Yuliet
2024Location invariance and games with ambiguityHartmann, Lorenz; Kelsey, David
2024Does increasing inequality threaten social stability? Evidence from the labBarr, Abigail; Hochleitner, Anna; Sonderegger, Silvia
2024Easier together: Shared responsibility and corruptionVerbel, Yuliet
2024Do emotional carryover effects carry over?Masters, Nikhil; Lloyd, Tim A.; Starmer, Chris
2024Motivated forecasts: Experimental evidence from the presidential elections in ArgentinaMariño Fages, Diego
2024Social identity in network formationChen, Ying; Lane, Tom; Macdonald, Stuart
2023At the top of the mind: Peak prices and the disposition effectQuispe-Torreblanca, Edika; Hume, David; Gathergood, John; Loewenstein, George; Stewart, Neil
2023Endogenous network formation in local public goods: An experimental analysisChen, Ying; Lane, Tom; Macdonald, Stuart
2023Born to wait? A study on allocation rules in booking systemsHuang, Lingbo; Liu, Tracy Xiao; Zhang, Jun
2023"IOS11": A new, extended, interactive version of the "Inclusion of Other in the Self" scaleBaader, Malte; Starmer, Chris; Tufano, Fabio; Gächter, Simon
2023The role of social norms in zero price effectsZhang, Xian; Lane, Tom; Grisolia, Jose M.
2023When is high turnover cheaper? A simple model of cost tradeoffs in a long-distance truckload motor carrier, with empirical evidence and policy implicationsBurks, Stephen V.; Kildegaard, Arne; Miller, Jason; Monaco, Kristen A.
2023The normative permissiveness of political partyismLane, Tom; Miller, Luis; Rodriguez, Isabel
2023Social reference points and real-effort provisionMaus, Patrick; Montero, María; Sefton, Martin
2023The strategic use of social identityLane, Tom
2023Preventing payments fraud in the FinTech era: New evidence from a behavioural experimentAkesson, Jesper; Gathergood, John; Quispe-Torreblanca, Edika
2023Does increasing inequality threaten social stability? Evidence from the labBarr, Abigail; Hochleitner, Anna; Sonderegger, Silvia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 283