Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2691
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Economic knock-on effects of Russia's geopolitical risk on advanced economies: A global VAR approachBlagov, Boris; Dirks, Maximilian; Funke, Michael
2024Bildungskrise - wieso bessere Bildungsdaten notwendig sindHertweck, Friederike; Schneider, Kerstin
2024Violence against women and the substitution of help services in times of lockdown: Triangulation of three data sources in GermanyEbert, Cara; Steinert, Janina
2024Origin country conflict and immigrant physical healthCompton, Ryan A.; Craig, Andrea N.; Heger, Dörte; Skogstad, Karl
2024Wage bargaining and labor market policy with biased expectationsBalleer, Almut; Duernecker, Georg; Forstner, Susanne; Goensch, Johannes
2024Automation and income inequality in EuropeDoorley, Karina; Gromadzki, Jan; Lewandowski, Piotr; Tuda, Dora; Van Kerm, Philippe
2024Using framed field experiments to evaluate real-world policy interventions: A case study on changing environmental preferencesReitmann, Ann-Kristin; Sievert, Maximiliane
2024Impacts of anticipatory cash transfers in the context of weather disastersMogge, Lukas; Roeckert, Julian; Krähnert, Kati
2024Biased expectations and labor market outcomes: Evidence from German survey data and implications for the East-West wage gapBalleer, Almut; Duernecker, Georg; Forstner, Susanne; Goensch, Johannes
2024The new merit order: The viability of energy-only electricity markets with only intermittent renewable energy sources and grid-scale storageAntweiler, Werner; Muesgens, Felix
2024Avoiding cognitive dissonance: Experimental evidence on sustainable online shoppingEßer, Jana; Flörchinger, Daniela; Frondel, Manuel; Sommer, Stephan
2024Stellungnahme aus dem Verein für Socialpolitik: Für besseren Datenzugang im Bereich BildungHertweck, Friederike; Isphording, Ingo Eduard; Matthewes, Sönke Hendrik; Schneider, Kerstin; Spieß, C. Katharina
2024FDZ data description: RWI-GEO-POP-FORECAST. Small-scale population projection V2.1Breidenbach, Philipp; Thiel, Patrick; Wiebe, Thorben
2024Helfen Ernährungstipps und Informationen über die Klimawirkungen des Fleischkonsums, diesen zu verringern? Experimentelle Evidenz für DeutschlandEßer, Jana; Flörchinger, Daniela; Frondel, Manuel; Wittmann, Julia
2024The role of tenure security in farmers' decision-making on investment in improved seeds: Insights from mental modelsMurken, Lisa; Krähnert, Kati; Van den Broek, Karlijn; Adriko, John; Gornott, Christoph
2024Drought, livestock holding, and milk production: A difference-in-differences analysisAbebe, Meseret B.; Alem, Yonas
2024Behavioural constraints in energy technology uptake: Evidence from real-purchase offers in rural Rwanda and SenegalBensch, Gunther; Grimm, Michael
2024Time of change: Health effects of motherhoodDehos, Fabian; Paul, Marie; Schäfer, Wiebke; Süß, Karolin
2024Disruptions in primary care: Can resigning GPs cause persistently negative health effects?Monsees, Daniel; Westphal, Matthias
2024What could explain low uptake of rural electricity programs in Africa? Empirical evidence from rural TanzaniaRuhinduka, Remidius D.; Bensch, Gunther; Selejio, Onesmo; Lokina, Razack Bakari
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2691