ZÖSS-Discussion Papers, Zentrum für Ökonomische und Soziologische Studien, Universität Hamburg

ISSN: 1868-4947

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 111
2024Keynes, Kalecki and Minsky - Post Keynesian champions in comparison or: Joining forces, horses for courses or the necessity of discrimination?Heise, Arne
2024Dr. Palley and the merits of conflictHeise, Arne
2024The revolving doors in academia, government and think tanks: Colombian neoliberal economists as a case studyAriza Ruiz, Efrén Danilo; Garza, Nestor
2024The unfolding of neoliberalism in economics curricula and scholarships: Colombia as a case studyAriza Ruiz, Efrén Danilo; Garza, Nestor
2024Austerity and the political economy of the german debt brakeHeise, Arne
2024Monetäre Werttheorie und Monetärkeynesianismus: Theorienvergleich zum Krisenbegriff im ideengeschichtlichen ZusammenhangRitterbach, Lennart
2024Effective demand, investment and dynamics: The relevance of Kalecki for macroeconomic theoryPossas, Mario Luiz
2024The exchange rate regime of the WAEMU: Monetary stability at the expense of current account deficits and rising external financial liabilities? A post-Keynesian viewLampe, Florian
2023Keynes and the drunkard under the lamp post: Making sense of PalleyHeise, Arne
2023The political economy of populism: An agenda-theoretic approach with special reference to GermanyHeise, Arne
2023Growth and sustainability in post-Keynesian perspective: Some notesHeise, Arne
2023"The charm of emission trading": Ideas of German public economists on economic policy in times of crisesReinke, Rouven; Porak, Laura
2023Orthodoxie und Heterodoxie in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Abgrenzung, Merkmale und ExistenzberechtigungTroll, Alexander
2022Interest Rate Policy of the Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest: International Currency Hierarchy, Monetary Base Coverage, and Bank Lending in the WAEMULampe, Florian
2022A Keynesian-Minskian perspective on the transformation of industrial into financial capitalismHeise, Arne
2022"A politically evasive monetary theory should not be the basis for a progressive movement": Eine kritische Betrachtung der modern monetary theoryHeise, Arne
2022Fiscal policy after the crisis: What role for fiscal policy in times of crisis, low interest rates and high public debts?Heise, Arne
2022Unemployment: Are trade unions and minimum wage laws the culprits?Heise, Arne
2022Der blinde Fleck der Nachhaltigkeitspolitik in Hamburg: Zwischen Selbstdarstellung und KonfliktfeldernKaven, Carsten
2022"We need to offer something better to the scholars of the future": Some thoughts on the "Hodgson debate"Heise, Arne
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 111
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