07th International Symposium "Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania", Bucharest, 2016

ISSN: 2285-6803

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 63
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Rural area of the region South Muntenia - Evolutions and gaps of the socio-economic indicators. Case study: Arges, Dambovita and Prahova countiesBucur, Sorinel Ionel; Bucur, Elena Carmen
2016Models for short vegetables' chainIon, Raluca Andreea
2016General overview over the Third Sector in Romania todayStanciu, Violeta
2016Innovation processs in Agro food distributionCreţu, Diana
2016Integrated web systems as strategic solutions for (successfully) branding the rural boarding housesDinu Vasiliu, Codrin; Tanasă, Lucian; Brumă, Ion Sebastian
2016Evaluation of agricultural support in the Republic of MoldovaShik, Olga; Stratan, Alexandru; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
2016Territorial competitiveness in the development region South-East. Case study: Buzæau countyChiţea, Mihai Alexandru
2016Evolution of agrarian structures in RomaniaGavrilă, Viorica
2016Key policies and socio-economic growth factors of rural areas in the European UnionRusali, Mirela-Adriana
2016Analysis of agroturistic sector after first national rurl development programme (2007-2013)Dumitru, Eduard Alexandru; Petre, Laurenţiu Ionuţ
2016Short food supply chains as a meachanism for sustainable developmentTanasă, Lucian; Dinu Vasiliu, Codrin; Brumă, Ioan Sebastian; Doboş, Sebastian
2016Implementation of the leader axis of the rural devlopment programmes 2007-2013 in MoldovaMarcu, Alina-Mirela
2016Milk processing and collection in Romania: An analysis across regionsGrodea, Mariana
2016Influence of the coupled support to the profitability of the vegetable crops sectorUrsu, Ana
2016Land reclamation policies and strategies: Historical review and prospectsLup, Aurel; Miron, Liliana; Alim, Indira Deniz
2016The domestic fruit supply: Evolutions and trendsGavrilă, Viorica
2016The role of the research and development and the number of patents, in the increase of GDP performance in the European Union for the period 2005-2014Necula, Raluca; Stoian, Mirela; Drăghici, Manea; Necula, Diana
2016Investment management in associative unitsDobre, Iuliana
2016Determinant factors for the level and valorification of wheat production in the European UnionPop, Ruxandra-Eugenia
2016Demographic, social and economic implications of rural population agingChiţea, Lorena Florentina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 63