Data Documentation - DIW Berlin

ISSN: 1861-1532

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 109
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Statistics of annual accounts of public funds, institutions and enterprises: 2003-2012Wägner, Nicole
2017The early childhood education and care quality in the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-ECEC Quality) study - K2ID-SOEP DataSchober, Pia S.; Spieß, Christa Katharina; Stahl, Juliane F.; Zoch, Gundula; Camehl, Georg F.
2017dynELMOD: A dynamic investment and dispatch model for the future European electricity marketGerbaulet, Clemens; Lorenz, Casimir
2016Official data on German water supply: 2004, 2007, 2010Zschille, Michael
2016Open source Electricity Model for Germany (ELMOD-DE)Egerer, Jonas
2016An integrated micro data base for tax analysis in GermanyBach, Stefan; Beznoska, Martin; Steiner, Viktor
2016A model of the international steam coal market (COALMOD-World)Holz, Franziska; Haftendorn, Clemens; Mendelevitch, Roman; von Hirschhausen, Christian
2015Estimating gross employment effects of environmental protection: The DIW methodBlazejczak, Jürgen; Edler, Dietmar
2015Möglichkeiten migrationsspezifischer Analysen zum Thema "Teilhabe von Kindern und Jugendlichen" auf der Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) und der Studie "Familien in Deutschland (FiD)"Witzke, Sven
2015An economic assessment of soil carbon sequestration with biochar in Germany: Data documentationTeichmann, Isabel
2015Long-term contracts in the natural gas industry: Literature survey and data on 426 contracts (1965-2014)Neumann, Anne; Rüster, Sophia; von Hirschhausen, Christian
2015How to generate spell data from data in "wide" format: Based on the migration biographies of the IAB-SOEP migration sampleErhardt, Klaudia
2015Official data on German utilities (Energiestatistiken der amtlichen Statistik): 2003-2012Stiel, Caroline
2015Stand und Perspektiven des Rückbaus von Kernkraftwerken in Deutschland ("Rückbau-Monitoring 2015")Wealer, Ben; Gerbaulet, Clemens; Seidel, Jan Paul; von Hirschhausen, Christian
2014Electricity sector data for policy-relevant modeling: Data documentation and applications to the German and European electricity marketsEgerer, Jonas; Gerbaulet, Clemens; Ihlenburg, Richard; Kunz, Friedrich; Reinhard, Benjamin; von Hirschhausen, Christian; Weber, Alexander; Weibezahn, Jens
2014Technical greenhouse-gas mitigation potentials of biochar soil incorporation in Germany: Data documentationTeichmann, Isabel
2014Codebook for the $PEQUIV File 1984-2013: CNEF variables with extended income information for the SOEPGrabka, Markus M.
2014Documentation of sample sizes and panel attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2013)Kroh, Martin; Siegers, Rainer
2013Documentation of sample sizes and panel attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2012)Kroh, Martin
2013Preparation of data from the new SOEP consumption module: Editing, imputation, and smoothingMarcus, Jan; Siegers, Rainer; Grabka, Markus M.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 109