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dc.contributor.authorFalch, Mortenen
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper is to analyze the potential of the Copenhagen capital region to maintain a leading position in development and provision of mobile technologies. The paper presents empirical data on the mobile sector in the capital region in order to identify strengths and weaknesses of the Capital Region of Copenhagen. Denmark is as the rest of Scandinavia considered to be among the leading countries with regard to mobile and wireless communication. This position has been confirmed in a long series of benchmarking analyses comparing e-readiness in countries and regions. Denmark is also doing well with regard to connectivity of broadband and Internet access, and Denmark has also developed an advanced market for mobile services. The major share of the Danish mobile sector is concentrated in the capital region. In relative terms the mobile sector is largest in Northern Jutland, but in absolute terms the capital region is more important - especially if Scania on the Swedish site of Oresund is included. In this case the capital region of Copenhagen constitutes of the most important centres for mobile communication.en
dc.publisher|aInternational Telecommunications Society (ITS) |cCalgaryen
dc.relation.ispartofseries|a21st European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): "Telecommunications at New Crossroads: Changing Value Configurations, User Roles, and Regulation", Copenhagen, Denmark, 13th-15th September 2010 |x13en
dc.subject.keywordMobile and wireless communicationen
dc.subject.keywordMobile industryen
dc.subject.keywordCopehagen capital regionen
dc.subject.keywordNational systems of innovationsen
dc.titleCopenhagen as a centre of excellence for mobile and Wireless communication - the interplay between supply and demand-
dc.typeConference Paperen

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