Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wiederhold, Simon

Showing results 1 to 20 of 88
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Government spending composition in a simple model of Schumpeterian growthWiederhold, Simon
2010Technology, outsourcing, and the demand for heterogeneous labor: Exploring the industry dimensionNedelkoska, Ljubica; Wiederhold, Simon
2011On social identity, subjective expectations, and the costs of controlRiener, Gerhard; Wiederhold, Simon
2011The impact of government procurement composition on private R&D activitiesSlavtchev, Viktor; Wiederhold, Simon
2011Costs of Control in GroupsRiener, Gerhard; Wiederhold, Simon
2012Team building and hidden costs of controlRiener, Gerhard; Wiederhold, Simon
2012Hidden Costs of Control in Social GroupsWiederhold, Simon; Riener, Gerhard
2012Heterogeneous treatment effects in groupsRiener, Gerhard; Wiederhold, Simon
2012Technological Intensity of Government Demand and InnovationSlavtchev, Viktor; Wiederhold, Simon
2013Was lehrt uns PIAAC? Erste Befunde des »Erwachsenen-PISA«Rammstedt, Beatrice; Martin, Silke; Massing, Natascha; Schleicher, Andreas; Wiederhold, Simon; Wößmann, Ludger; Solga, Heike; Levels, Mark; van der Velden, Rolf; Cornelia, Quennet-Thielen
2013Innovationen auf Bestellung? Was von einer stärkeren Nachfrageorientierung in der Innovationspolitik zu halten istDauchert, Helge; Harhoff, Dietmar; Llerena, Patrick; Crasemann, Wolfgang; Dekker, Carla; Falck, Oliver; Wiederhold, Simon; Wößmann, Ludger
2013Nachfrageorientierte Innovationspolitik: Bestandsaufnahme und ökonomische BewertungFalck, Oliver; Wiederhold, Simon
2013Returns to Skills around the World: Evidence from PIAACHanushek, Eric A.; Schwerdt, Guido; Wiederhold, Simon; Woessmann, Ludger
2013Nachfrageorientierte InnovationspolitikFalck, Oliver; Wiederhold, Simon
2013The Impact of Skill Mismatch on Earnings Losses after Job DisplacementWiederhold, Simon; Nedelkoska, Ljubica; Neffke, Frank
2013Mindestlohn in Deutschland: Wie viele sind betroffen?Falck, Oliver; Knabe, Andreas; Mazat, Andreas; Wiederhold, Simon
2014The value of smarter teachers: International evidence on teacher cognitive skills and student performanceHanushek, Eric A.; Piopiunik, Marc; Wiederhold, Simon
2014The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student PerformanceHanushek, Eric A.; Piopiunik, Marc; Wiederhold, Simon
2014Returns to Skills around the World: Evidence from PIAACWößmann, Ludger; Hanushek, Eric A.; Schwerdt, Guido; Wiederhold, Simon
2014Does the Technological Content of Government Demand Matter for Private R&D? Evidence from US StatesSlavtchev, Viktor; Wiederhold, Simon