Browsing All of EconStor by Author Sloane, Peter J.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 36
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1999Job Satisfaction within the Scottish Academic ProfessionWard, Melanie E.; Sloane, Peter J.
2001Human Capital Spill-Overs Within the WorkplaceBattu, Harminder; Belfield, Clive R.; Sloane, Peter J.
2002Overeducation and Ethnic Minorities in BritainBattu, Harminder; Sloane, Peter J.
2003Disability, Gender and the Labour MarketJones, Melanie K.; Latreille, Paul L.; Sloane, Peter J.
2004The Return to a University Education in Great BritainO'Leary, Nigel C.; Sloane, Peter J.
2004Crossing the Tracks? : More on Trends in the Training of Male and Female Workers in Great BritainJones, Melanie K.; Latreille, Paul L.; Sloane, Peter J.
2005The dynamics of the national minimum wage: transitions between different labour market statesJones, Melanie K.; Jones, Richard J.; Murphy, Philip D.; Sloane, Peter J.
2005Preferences, gender segregation and affirmative actionSloane, Peter J.; Grazier, Suzanne; Jones, Richard J.
2005The Changing Wage Return to an Undergraduate EducationO'Leary, Nigel C.; Sloane, Peter J.
2005Accounting for Differences in Labour Market Outcomes in Great Britain : A Regional Analysis Using the Labour Force SurveyO'Leary, Nigel C.; Murphy, Philip D.; Latreille, Paul L.; Blackaby, David H.; Sloane, Peter J.
2006An analysis of reservation wages for the economically inactiveBlackaby, David H.; Latreille, Paul L.; Murphy, Philip D.; O'Leary, Nigel C.; Sloane, Peter J.
2006Rates of return to degrees across British regionsO'Leary, Nigel C.; Sloane, Peter J.
2006How far and for how much? Evidence on wages and potential travel-to-work distances from a survey of the economically inactiveLatreille, Paul L.; Blackaby, David H.; Murphy, Philip D.; O'Leary, Nigel C.; Sloane, Peter J.
2006Rottenberg and the economics of sport after 50 years: an evaluationSloane, Peter J.
2006Accident risk, gender, family status and occupational choice in the UKGrazier, Suzanne; Sloane, Peter J.
2007The problem of overskilling in Australia and BritainMavromaras, Kostas; McGuinness, Seamus; O'Leary, Nigel C.; Sloane, Peter J.; Fok, Yi King
2007Human capital spillovers and economic performance in the workplace in 2004: some British evidenceMetcalfe, Renuka; Sloane, Peter J.
2007A persistence model of the national minimum wageJones, Melanie K.; Jones, Richard J.; Murphy, Philip D.; Sloane, Peter J.
2008Graduate employment in the UK: an application of the Gottschalk-Hansen modelGrazier, Suzanne; O'Leary, Nigel C.; Sloane, Peter J.
2008Training, job satisfaction and workplace performance in Britain: evidence from WERS 2004Jones, Melanie K.; Jones, Richard J.; Latreille, Paul L.; Sloane, Peter J.