Browsing All of EconStor by Author Serrano, Roberto

Showing results 1 to 20 of 58
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1997Beyond Nash Bargaining Theory: The Nash SetSerrano, Roberto; Shimomura, Ken-Ichi
1998Abstract Equilibria, Interactive Choice Sets and Walrasian AllocationsSerrano, Roberto; Volij, Oscar
1998A Decentralized Market with Common Values Uncertainty: Non-Steady StatesBlouin, Max; Serrano, Roberto
2000Type diversity and virtual Bayesian implementationSerrano, Roberto; Vohra, Rajiv
2001Implementing the Mas-Colell bargaining setSerrano, Roberto; Vohra, Rajiv
2001A comparison of the average prekernel and the prekernelSerrano, Roberto; Shimomura, Ken-ichi
2002Bargaining and competition revisitedKunimoto, Takashi; Serrano, Roberto
2002Market power and information revelation in dynamic tradingGottardi, Piero; Serrano, Roberto
2002A characterization of virtual Bayesian implementationSerrano, Roberto; Vohra, Rajiv
2003Mistakes in cooperation: The stochastic stability of Edgeworth's recontractingSerrano, Roberto; Volij, Oscar
2003The theory of implementation of social choice rulesSerrano, Roberto
2004On Watson's non-forcing contracts and renegotiationSerrano, Roberto
2004Fifty years of the Nash program, 1953 - 2003Serrano, Roberto
2004Market power and information revelation in dynamic tradingGottardi, Piero; Serrano, Roberto
2004The measurement of intellectual influence: The views of a scepticSerrano, Roberto
2005Multiple equilibria as a difficulty in understanding correlated distributionsKar, Anirban; Ray, Indrajit; Serrano, Roberto
2005Marginal contributions and externalities in the valueDe Clippel, Geoffroy; Serrano, Roberto
2005Information transmission in coalitional voting gamesSerrano, Roberto; Vohra, Rajiv
2006Arrow's impossibility theorem: Two simple single-profile versionsFeldman, Allan M.; Serrano, Roberto
2006An economic index of riskinessAumann, Robert J.; Serrano, Roberto