Browsing All of EconStor by Author Scharle, Ágota

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013Identifying barriers to institutional change in disability servicesScharle, Ágota; Váradi, Balázs
2014True and false remedies for long time unemployment in Visegrad countriesScharle, Ágota
2015Policy convergence across welfare regimes: the case of disability policiesScharle, Ágota; Váradi, Balázs; Samu, Flóra
2015Evaluating the impact of a well-targeted wage subsidy using administrative dataCseres-Gergely, Zsombor; Scharle, Ágota; Földessy, Árpád
2018The effects of increased compulsory school leaving age on the teenage fertility of Roma women, a disadvantaged ethnic minorityAdamecz-Völgyi, Anna; Scharle, Ágota
2020Books or babies? The incapacitation effect of schooling on minority womenAdamecz-Völgyi, Anna; Scharle, Ágota
2022A job trial subsidy for youth: Cheap labour or a screening device?Csillag, Márton; Munkácsy, Balázs; Krekó, Judit; Scharle, Ágota
2022A magyar adórendszer újraelosztási hatásaiKrekó, Judit; Erős, Hanna; Greskovics, Bori; Hajnal, Áron; Scharle, Ágota
2022The impact of childcare on maternal employmentSzabó, Bence; Berei, Judit; Csillag, Márton; Erős, Hanna; Krekó, Judit; Scharle, Ágota
2023The labor market effects of disability benefit lossBíró, Anikó; Hornok, Cecília; Krekó, Judit; Prinz, Daniel; Scharle, Ágota
2023Evaluating the effect of a drastic cut in unemployment benefit duration on re-employment and wages of jobseekersCsillag, Márton; Scharle, Ágota; Munkácsy, Balázs
2023The labor market effects of disability benefit lossBíró, Anikó; Hornok, Cecília; Krekó, Judit; Prinz, Daniel; Scharle, Ágota
2023The labor market effects of disability benefits lossBíró, Anikó; Hornok, Cecília; Krekó, Judit; Prinz, Daniel; Scharle, Ágota
2023Does cutting the value of unemployment insurance benefits affect take-up? Evidence from HungaryCsillag, Márton; Munkácsy, Balázs; Scharle, Ágota