Browsing All of EconStor by Author Palm, Franz

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2000Testing for Common Cyclical Features in Nonstationary Panel Data ModelsHecq, Alain; Palm, Franz; Urbain, Jean-Pierre
2001Testing for Common Cyclical Features in Var Models with CointegrationHecq, Alain; Palm, Franz; Urbain, Jean-Pierre
2002Separation, Weak Exogeneity and P-T Decomposition in Cointegrated VAR Systems with Common FeaturesHecq, Alain; Palm, Franz; Urbain, Jean-Pierre
2002Survival in a Concentrating Industry: The Case of Daily Newspapers in the Netherlandsvan Kranenburg, Hans L.; Palm, Franz; Pfann, Gerard A.
2004An empirically-based taxonomy of Dutch manufacturing : innovation policy implicationsRaymond, Wladimir; Mohnen, Pierre A.; Palm, Franz; van der Loeff, Sybrand Schim
2006Persistence of innovation in Dutch manufacturing : is it spurious?Raymond, Wladimir; Mohnen, Pierre A.; Palm, Franz; van der Loeff, Sybrand Schim
2007The behavior of the maximum likelihood estimator of dynamic panel data sample selection modelsRaymond, Wladimir; Mohnen, Pierre A.; Palm, Franz; van der Loeff, Sybrand Schim
2008Financial constraints and other obstacles: are they a threat to innovation activity?Mohnen, Pierre A.; Palm, Franz; van der Loeff, Sybrand Schim; Tiwari, A.
2009Innovative sales, R&D and total innovation expenditures : panel evidence on their dynamicsRaymond, Wladimir; Mohnen, Pierre A.; Palm, Franz; van der Loeff, Sybrand Schim
2010Banking and debt crisis in Europe: The dangerous liaisons?Candelon, Bertrand; Palm, Franz
2013Dynamic Models of R&D, Innovation and Productivity: Panel Data Evidence for Dutch and French ManufacturingRaymond, Wladimir; Mairesse, Jacques; Mohnen, Pierre; Palm, Franz
2013Stock Markets, Banks and Long Run Economics Growth: A Panel Cointegration-Based AnalysisCavenaile, Laurent; Gengenbach, Christian; Palm, Franz
2013Robust estimation of wage dispersion with censored data: An application to occupational earnings risk and risk attitudesPollmann, Daniel; Dohmen, Thomas; Palm, Franz
2014Microeconometric Evidence of Financing Frictions and Innovative ActivityTiwari, Amaresh K.; Mohnen, Pierre; Palm, Franz; van der Loeff, Sybrand Schim
2020Robust Estimation of Wage Dispersion with Censored Data: An Application to Occupational Earnings Risk and Risk AttitudesPollmann, Daniel; Dohmen, Thomas; Palm, Franz
2021Time-varying state correlations in state space models and their estimation via indirect inferenceSchiavoni, Caterina; Koopman, Siem Jan; Palm, Franz; Smeekes, Stephan; van den Brakel, Jan