Browsing All of EconStor by Author Masso, Jaan

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002Labour Flexibility and Migration in the EU Eastward Enlargement Context : The Case of the Baltic StatesPaas, Tiiu; Eamets, Raul; R??m, Marit; Selliov, Rena; Jürgenson, Anne; Masso, Jaan
2002Regional Input : Labour MarketsKemmerling, Achim; Paas, Tiiu; Raul Eamets; R??m, Marit; Selliov, Rena; Jürgenson, Anne; Masso, Jaan
2003Optimality and overuse of labour in Estonian manufacturing enterprisesMasso, Jaan; Heshmati, Almas
2003The Optimality and Overuse of Labour in Estonian Manufacturing EnterprisesMasso, Jaan; Heshmati, Almas
2004Creative Destruction and Transition : The Effects of Firm Entry and Exit on Productivity Growth in EstoniaMasso, Jaan; Eamets, Raul; Philips, Kaia
2004Labour Market Flexibility and Employment Protection Regulation in the Baltic StatesMasso, Jaan; Eamets, Raul
2005Job creation and job destruction in Estonia: labour reallocation and structural changesMasso, Jaan; Eamets, Raul; Philips, Kaia
2007Estimating the need for PhDs in the academic sector via a survey of employersMasso, Jaan; Eamets, Raul; Kanep, Hanna
2013The Effect of Migration Experience on Occupational Mobility in EstoniaMasso, Jaan; Eamets, Raul; Mõtsmees, Pille
2013The Effect of Temporary Migration Experience on Occupational Mobility in EstoniaMasso, Jaan; Eamets, Raul; Mõtsmees, Pille
2014The contribution of R&D to production efficiency in OECD countries: econometric analysis of industry-level panel dataLiik, Margo; Masso, Jaan; Ukrainski, Kadri
2016The labour market performance of young return migrants after the crisis in CEE countries: the case of EstoniaTverdostup, Maryna; Masso, Jaan
2023Human Values and Selection into Supervisory Positions: Evidence from Nine European CountriesHazans, Mihails; Masso, Jaan; Maurseth, Per Botolf
2023Human values and selection into supervisory positions: Evidence from nine European countriesHazans, Mihails; Masso, Jaan; Maurseth, Per Botolf