Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kohler, Wilhelm K.

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1991An intertemporal CGE model for Austria: Model structure and calibrationKeuschnigg, Christian; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
1995Factor price equalization under joint production: A general equilibrium synthesisAlbert, Max; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2004Exploring the intensive and extensive margins of world tradeFelbermayr, Gabriel J.; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2004Eastern Enlargement of the EU: A Comprehensive Welfare AssessmentKohler, Wilhelm K.
2007The bazaar effect, unbundling of comparative advantage, and migrationKohler, Wilhelm K.
2007Does WTO membership make a difference at the extensive margin of world trade?Felbermayr, Gabriel; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2008Restrictive immigration policy in Germany: pains and gains foregone?Felbermayr, Gabriel; Geis, Wido; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2008Offshoring: why do stories differ?Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2008Restrictive immigration policy in Germany: pains and gains foregone?Felbermayr, Gabriel J.; Geis, Wido; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2009Global sourcing decisions and firm productivity: evidence from SpainKohler, Wilhelm K.; Smolka, Marcel
2010Readdressing the trade effect of the Euro: Allowing for currency misalignmentHogrefe, Jan; Jung, Benjamin; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2010Managerial Versus Production Wages: Offshoring, Country Size and EndowmentsBenz, Sebastian; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2010Offshoring tasks, yet creating jobs?Kohler, Wilhelm K.; Wrona, Jens
2010Readdressing the Trade Effect of the Euro: Allowing for Currency MisalignmentHogrefe, Jan; Jung, Benjamin; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2010Offshoring Tasks, yet Creating Jobs?Wrona, Jens; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2012Migration, international trade and capital formation: Cause or effect?Felbermayr, Gabriel J.; Grossmann, Volker; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2012Putting currency misalignment into gravity: The currency union effect reconsideredHogrefe, Jan; Jung, Benjamin; Kohler, Wilhelm K.
2017Strukturanalyse und Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsstandortes Baden-Württemberg im nationalen und internationalen Vergleich. AbschlussberichtBerger, Marius; Boockmann, Bernhard; Felbermayr, Gabriel; Klempt, Charlotte; Koch, Andreas; Kohler, Wilhelm K.; Lerch, Christian; Neuhäusler, Peter; Rammer, Christian