Browsing All of EconStor by Author Alessie, Rob

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1999Explaining the Wealth Holdings of Different Cohorts: Productivity Growth and Social SecurityKapteyn, Arie; Alessie, Rob; Lusardi, Annamaria
2001Non-take-up of Tax-favored Savings Plans: Are Household Portfolios Optimal?Alessie, Rob; Hochguertel, Stefan; van Soest, Arthur
2002Retirement Behaviour of Dutch Elderly Households: Diversity in Retirement Patterns across Different Household TypesMastrogiacomo, Mauro; Alessie, Rob; Lindeboom, Maarten
2002Disentangling the Age, Period, and Cohort Effects using a Modeling ApproachPortrait, France; Alessie, Rob; Deeg, Dorly
2002Saving and Habit Formation: Evidence from Dutch Panel DataAlessie, Rob; Teppa, Federica
2002House Prices, Second Mortgages and Household Savings; An Empirical Investigation for the Netherlands, 1987-1994Rouwendal, Jan; Alessie, Rob
2004Measurement Error in Education and Growth RegressionsPortela, Miguel; Alessie, Rob; Teulings, Coen N.
2006Estimating a collective household model with survey data on financial satisfactionAlessie, Rob; Crossley, Thomas F.; Hildebrand, Vincent
2008Do Early Life and Contemporaneous Macro-conditions explain Health at Older Ages?Portrait, France; Alessie, Rob; Deeg, Dorly
2008The Importance of Financial Incentives on Retirement ChoicesBelloni, Michele; Alessie, Rob
2010Retirement Choices in Italy: What an Option Value Model tells usBelloni, Michele; Alessie, Rob
2013Pension wealth and household savings in Europe: Evidence from SHARELIFEAlessie, Rob; Angelini, Viola; van Santen, Peter
2014Simply a Matter of Luck & Looks? Predicting Elections when Both the World Economy and the Psychology of Faces CountGarretsen, Harry; Stoker, Janka I.; Alessie, Rob; Lammers, Joris
2017Economic Conditions at Birth and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Adulthood: Evidence from New CohortsAlessie, Rob; Angelini, Viola; van den Berg, Gerard J.; Mierau, Jochen O.; Viluma, Laura
2018The Effect of Early Life Health on Later Life Home Care Use: The Mediating Role of Household CompositionBijwaard, Govert; Alessie, Rob; Angelini, Viola
2021Fearless Woman: Financial Literacy and Stock Market ParticipationBucher-Koenen, Tabea; Alessie, Rob; Lusardi, Annamaria; van Rooij, Maarten
2022Why do Parents Underinvest in their Children's Education? Evidence from ChinaWang, Jiyuan; Alessie, Rob; Angelini, Viola
2024Beyond knowledge: Confidence and the Gender Gap in Financial LiteracyCziriak, Marius; Bucher-Koenen, Tabea; Alessie, Rob