Other services
RePEc – Research Papers in Economics
For research institutes from Germany EconStor offers the option of entering
title data for entire series and journals into the RePEc database
(http://repec.org/) free of charge.
Institutions currently participating in this service you will find here:
RePEc contains more than one million records and is one the world’s largest freely
accessible databases in economics. RePEc offers numerous services that have
made it the main entry point for searches for working papers, articles and
conference proceedings. Entering a working paper series into the RePEc
database offers several advantages for individual papers as well as for the
entire series or journal:
- Direct dissemination of papers within the community through the established and freely accessible RePEc services IDEAS (http://ideas.repec.org/) and EconPapers (http://econpapers.repec.org/), as well as the RePEc Alerting service "New Economic Papers" (http://nep.repec.org/)
- Detailed download statistics from LogEc (http://logec.repec.org/)
- Citation analysis and integration into CitEc (http://citec.repec.org/)
- Integration of the titles into the "RePEc Author Service" (http://authors.repec.org/)
Economists Online
Economists Online
is an Open Access Portal of leading economic research institutions,
including the London School of Economics (LSE), Sciences Po and the Kiel
Institute for the World Economy (IfW). Economists Online bundles the
publication output of participating researchers in a joint portal.
The portal offers a search interface as well as browsing functions for
researchers’ complete publications lists. The key objective of Economists
Online is to make the entire publications output of participating
institutions available according to the principles of Open Access and within
the framework of existing copyright regulations.
Economists Online results from the project "NEEO – Network of European
Economists Online" which was funded for 30 months by the European Union
through its eContentplus programme. The portal is maintained by the library
network NEREUS.
Further information: http://www.nereus4economics.info/
Leibniz Open Access Repository
Publications of Leibniz Association institutions with a focus on economics will be integrated into the "Leibniz Open Access Repository" currently under construction. The objective of the Leibniz Repository is to give a central access to freely available electronic publications of Leibniz researchers by documenting all Open Access publications across all disciplines. It will therefore represent the entire spectrum of research topics within the Leibniz Association.
If you are interested in any of these services, please contact .