Browsing All of EconStor by Year of Publication 2015

Showing results 41 to 60 of 12886
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015-02-06Acme in Personal Values and Meanings (Age Aspect)Melnichuk, A. S.; Selezneva, E. V.
2015-02-04Offshoring of Medium-skill Jobs, Polarization, and Productivity Effect: Implications for Wages and Low-skill UnemploymentVallizadeh, Ehsan; Muysken, Joan; Ziesemer, Thomas
2015-02-01Zukunftsfähige Unternehmen in einer Postwachstumsgesellschaft. Eine theoretische und empirische UntersuchungPosse, Dirk
2015-02Testing Regulatory Regimes for Power Transmission Expansion with Fluctuating Demand and Wind GenerationSchill, Wolf-Peter; Egerer, Jonas; Rosellón, Juan
2015-02Pensionsreform: Wann ist die Mehrheit weg? Wer von einer Pensionsautomatik profitieren würde. Und wer nicht.Christl, Michael; Kucsera, Dénes
2015-02How Learning a Musical Instrument Affects the Development of SkillsHille, Adrian; Schupp, Jürgen
2015-02A risk perspective on market integration and the reform of support of renewables in GermanyPahle, Michael; Schweizerhof, Henriette
2015-01Horizontal and Vertical Analysis of Privacy and Cyber-Security MarketsJentzsch, Nicola
2015-01Stakeholder Engagement and Integration into the FrameworkJentzsch, Nicola
2015Financial Market Report CEE. International Finance Market Data: Assessments and Expectations, Volume 2015Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Mannheim; Erste Group Bank AG (Vienna)
2015M&A Report: Berichte und Analysen zu weltweiten Fusionen und Übernahmen, Jahrgang 2015Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) Mannheim; Bureau von Dijk (Frankfurt a. M.)
2015ZEW Finanzmarktreport: Einschätzungen und Erwartungen zu internationalen Finanzmarktdaten, Jahrgang 23 (2015)Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW)
2015Market power rents and climate change mitigation: A rationale for coal taxes?Richter, Philipp M.; Mendelevitch, Roman; Jotzo, Frank
2015An Application of Qualitative Risk Analysis as a Tool Adopted by Public Organizations for Evaluating "Green Projects"Lanfranchi, Maurizio; Giannetto, Carlo; De Pascale, Angelina; Hornoiu, Remus Ion
2015economic sociology_the european electronic newsletter, Volume 16, Number 1-3Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (Cologne)
2015Redistribution and Insurance with Simple Tax InstrumentsFindeisen, Sebastian; Sachs, Dominik
2015R&D partnerships and innovation performance: Can there be too much of a good thing?Hottenrott, Hanna; Lopes-Bento, Cindy
2015Branchenanalyse Kontraktlogistik - Eine Markt- und Beschäftigungsanalyse in DeutschlandBuck, Moike; Wrobel, Heiko
2015The growing intergenerational divide in EuropeHüttl, Pia; Wilson, Karen; Wolff, Guntram B.
2015Knowledge sharing in virtual communities: A social exchange theory perspectiveLi, Jinyang