Browsing All of EconStor by Year of Publication 2012

Showing results 21 to 40 of 10581
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012-03-22Ageing and Skills: A Review and Analysis of Skill Gain and Skill Loss Over the Lifespan and Over TimeDesjardins, Richard; Warnke, Arne Jonas
2012-03Die Berechnung von rentenäquivalenten Versicherungsprämien unter dem Blickwinkel des SGB VI, § 154 (3) bzw. der Höhe zukünftiger Renten.Scholtz, Hellmut D.
2012-03How Important Is Cultural Background for the Level of Intergenerational Mobility?Schnitzlein, Daniel D.
2012-01-24European Electricity Infrastructure: Planning, Regulation, and FinancingNeuhoff, Karsten; Boyd, Rodney; Glachant, Jean-Michel
2012-01-18Steuerliche Förderung von energetischen Sanierungen: Erfahrungen aus der PraxisAmecke, Hermann; Neuhoff, Karsten; Stelmakh, Kateryna
2012-01-13Where russians should live: a counterfactual alternative to Soviet location policyMichajlova, Tatjana
2012-01Tax Incentives for Thermal Retrofits in Germany: Experiences from PracticionersAmecke, Hermann; Neuhoff, Karsten; Stelmakh, Kateryna
2012-01Wirtschaft in der Schule. Agendasetting, Akteure, AktivitätenHedtke, Reinhold
2012-01Ausgestaltung eines Produktinformationsblatts für zertifizierte Altersvorsorge- und BasisrentenverträgeTiffe, Achim; Feigl, Michael; Fritze, Jürgen; Götz, Veruschka; Grunert, Claudia; Jaroszek, Lena; Rohn, Ilonka
2012DIW Economic Bulletin, Volume 2 (2012)Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW)
2012Life Expectancy, Labor Supply, and Long-Run Growth: Reconciling Theory and EvidenceStrulik, Holger; Werner, Katharina
2012External economies of scale, government purchasing commitment and welfare improvements in the vaccines industryGarcia-
2012Immigration to Norway 1969-2010. Effects of policies and EEA membershipCappelen, Ådne; Skjerpen, Terje
2012Wirtschaft ohne Wachstum?! Notwendigkeit und Ansätze einer WachstumswendeWoynowski, Boris; Becker, Patrick; Bertram, Alexander; Bhandari, Sarah; Burger, Julia; Haver, Marilen; Janssen, Alina; Lange, Josha; Miyazaki, Juliana; Peters, Golo; Ruf, Florian; Schneider, Julia; Sempach, Jörn; Wang, Chien Chih
2012The good, the bad and the naive: Do fair prices signal good types or do they induce good behaviour?Dulleck, Uwe; Johnston, David W.; Kerschbamer, Rudolf; Sutter, Matthias
2012Internal Audit as An Attribute of Management During the Economic CrisisSusmanschi, Georgiana
2012ICT for growth: A targeted approachGrajek, Michał
2012Family Background and Child HealthKim, Yeon Soo
2012An empirical study of the limits and perspectives of institutional transfersMöller, Marie
2012What happens after enrollment? An analysis of the time path of racial differences in GPA and major choiceArcidiacono, Peter; Aucejo, Esteban M.; Spenner, Ken