Browsing All of EconStor by Year of Publication 2011

Showing results 1 to 20 of 10580
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011-12Instability, economic stagnation and the role of islam in the North CaucasusDobler, Constanze
2011-12The Cyclicality of Effective Wages within Employer–Employee Matches in a Rigid Labor MarketAnger, Silke
2011-12Atomisierung der Stundentafeln? Schulfächer und ihre Bezugsdisziplinen in der Sekundarstufe IHedtke, Reinhold; Uppenbrock, Carolin
2011-12Economic growth in the post-socialist Russian Federation after 1991: The role of InstitutionsDobler, Constanze; Hagemann, Harald
2011-11-16T14:23:06ZThe Economic Theory and the Portuguese Manufactured IndustryMartinho, Vítor João Pereira Domingues
2011-11-02T13:47:35ZEntrepreneurship: some considerationsMartinho, Vítor João Pereira Domingues
2011-11-02T13:40:23ZEntrepreneurship: what´s happening?Martinho, Vítor João Pereira Domingues
2011-11Impact of Reductions and Exemptions in Energy Taxes and Levies on German IndustryRosenberg, Anja; Schopp, Anne; Neuhoff, Karsten; Vasa, Alexander
2011-11Wachstum durch das Nadelöhr begrenzter BudgetsKlein, Rolf
2011-11Auswirkungen der Entlastungsregelungen von Energiesteuern und -abgaben auf die deutsche IndustrieRosenberg, Anja; Schopp, Anne; Neuhoff, Karsten; Vasa, Alexander
2011-10Electric Vehicles in Imperfect Electricity Markets: The case of GermanySchill, Wolf-Peter
2011-09-23Technical Aspects of Nodal PricingNeuhoff, Karsten; Boyd, Rodney
2011-09Thermal Efficiency Retrofit of Residential Buildings: The German ExperienceNeuhoff, Karsten; Amecke, Hermann; Novikova, Aleksandra; Stelmakh, Kateryna
2011-08-23Map of Policies Supporting Thermal Efficiency in Germany’s Residential Building SectorAmecke, Hermann; Neuhoff, Karsten
2011-08-16Beweggründe für Sanierungsentscheidungen – Eine Umfrage unter Ein- und ZweifamilienhausbesitzernNovikova, Aleksandra; Vieider, Ferdinand M.; Neuhoff, Karsten; Amecke, Hermann
2011-08The Effect of Restrictive Bank Lending on Innovation: Evidence from a Financial CrisisKipar, Stefan
2011-08The Effectiveness of Energy Performance Certificates - Evidence from GermanyAmecke, Hermann
2011-07-27Informationsinstrumente zur Förderung von Energieeinsparungen im WohngebäudebestandNovikova, Aleksandra; Amecke, Hermann; Neuhoff, Karsten; Stelmakh, Kateryna; Kiss, Bernadett; Rohde, Clemens; Dunkelberg, Elisa; Matschoss, Kaisa; Darby, Sarah
2011-07An equilibrium model of 'global imbalances' revisitedKörner, Finn Marten
2011-07Using Tax Incentives to Support Thermal Retrofits in GermanyNeuhoff, Karsten; Amecke, Hermann; Novikova, Alexandra; Stelmakh, Kateryna; Deason, Jeff; Hobbes, Andrew