Browsing All of EconStor by Year of Publication 2008

Showing results 1 to 20 of 8192
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008-12Tourism as a driver of economic development: The Colombian experienceBenković, Andreja; Mejía, Juan Felipe
2008-11Pensions: A Complex LandscapeEich, Frank; Swarup, Amarendra
2008-10The Parental Leave Benefit Reform in Germany: Costs and Labour Market Outcomes of Moving towards the Nordic ModelSpiess, C.Katharina; Wrohlich, Katharina
2008-05Overtime Work as a Signaling DeviceAnger, Silke
2008-01-31Credit Rating Agencies: The Main Lacuna in EU Regulation Governing Conflicts of InterestChirico, Alessandra
2008ifo Konjunkturperspektiven, 35. Jahrgang (2008)ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (München)
2008Schwerpunkt Energiemarkt: ZEW-Energiemarktbarometer, Jahrgang 2008Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) Mannheim
2008ZEW Finanzmarktreport: Einschätzungen und Erwartungen zu internationalen Finanzmarktdaten, Jahrgang 16 (2008)Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW)
2008Satisficing in strategic environments: a theoretical approach and experimental evidenceGüth, Werner; Levati, Maria Vittoria; Ploner, Matteo
2008On the incentives to form strategic coalitions in ATM marketsWenzel, Tobias
2008Good Times Are Drinking Times: Empirical Evidence on Business Cycles an Alcohol Sales in Sweden 1861-2000Krüger, Niclas A.; Svensson, Mikael
2008The behaviour of corporate actors: a survey of the empirical literatureEngel, Christoph
2008Property insurance, portfolio selection and their interdependenceChang, Fwu-Ranq
2008Distance to frontier and appropriate business strategyCoad, Alex
2008Trotz Erhöhung des Mehrwertsteuersatzes 2007 auf 19% ging die Ausfallquote auf 9% zurück und dürfte auch 2008 bei 9% liegenParsche, Rüdiger
2008Oil and the duration of dictatorshipsCrespo Cuaresma, Jesús; Oberhofer, Harald; Raschky, Paul
2008Technical assistance to CIS countriesMogilevsky, Roman; Atamanov, Aziz
2008Estimating complementarity between education and trainingBelzil, Christian; Hansen, Jörgen; Kristensen, Nicolai
2008Do Rankings Reflect Research Quality?Frey, Bruno S.; Rost, Katja
2008Citizenship in the United States: the roles of immigrant characteristics and country of originChiswick, Barry R.; Miller, Paul W.