Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Erscheinungsjahren 2004

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2004-12Makroökonomische Probleme des extensiven Rohstoffexports in einer entwickelten Volkswirtschaft - analysiert am Beispiel der norwegischen ErdölwirtschaftSchewe, Theo
2004-12Spatial decisions of multinational enterprises and their effect on local firmsEhnts, Dirk H.
2004-09Konfliktuelle Integration?Tucci, Ingrid
2004-06Offshore outsourcing - A global shift in the present IT industryErber, Georg; Sayed-Ahmed, Aida
2004-01Specificities of the Monetary Transmission Mechanism within the Bulgarian Currency Board Framework: The first five yearsPazardjiev, Martin N.; Vasilev, Aleksandar Z.
2004Estimating the Relationship between Age Structure and GDP in the OECD Using Panel Cointegration MethodsÖsterholm, Pär
2004Taking stock: monetary policy transmission to equity marketsEhrmann, Michael; Fratzscher, Marcel
2004Specialisation Patterns and the Synchronicity of Regional Employment Cycles in EuropeBelke, Ansgar; Heine, Jens Michael
2004Eliciting Public Preferences For Managing Cultural Heritage Sites: Evidence from a Case study on the Temples Of PaestumRiganti, Patrizia; Nese, Annamaria; Colombino, Ugo
2004Dynamics of Chinese Comparative AdvantageHinloopen, Jeroen; van Marrewijk, Charles
2004A competence-based theory of the firmFreiling, Jörg
2004A methodology of analysis and selection of Business Development Projects on a Regional Subcontinental ScaleGarcía-Tabuenca, Antonio; Jorge, Justo De; Perondi, Carolina
2004The Norwegian market for pharmaceuticals and the non-mandatory substitution reform of 2001: The case of enalaprilRazzolini, Tiziano
2004Market-based Options for Security of Energy SupplyEgenhofer, Christian; Gialoglou, Kyriakos; Luciani, Giacomo; Boots, Maroeska; Scheepers, Martin; Costantini, Valeria; Gracceva, Francesco; Markandya, Anil; Vicini, Giorgio
2004Bayern: Kompetenz in SüdosteuropaVincentz, Volkhart; Clement, Hermann
2004Cartel Sustainability and Cartel StabilityEscrihuela-Villar, Marc
2004Landscape change and its effects on the visual experience of a case study area in the Öresunds regionOde, Åsa
2004Learning from users for radical innovationLettl, Christoph; Herstatt, Cornelius; Gemuenden, H-G.
2004Wer verdient was? - Ausgabe 2004 - Tarifliche Grundvergütungen für ausgewählte Berufe und TätigkeitenBispinck, Reinhard
2004Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Firm LeverageBaum, Christopher F.; Stephan, Andreas; Talavera, Oleksandr