Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | Revenue structures and the question of who pays taxes: understanding the conditions under which elites pay taxes in developing countries | von Schiller, Armin |
2015 | Party System Institutionalization and Reliance on Personal Income Tax in Developing Countries | von Schiller, Armin |
2016 | The mobilisation of sub-national revenues is a decisive factor in the realisation of the 2030 Agenda | von Haldenwang, Christian; von Schiller, Armin |
2016 | Die Mobilisierung subnationaler Einnahmen ist ein entscheidender Faktor für die Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 | von Haldenwang, Christian; von Schiller, Armin |
2017 | Party system institutionalization and reliance on personal income tax: Exploring the relationship using new data | von Schiller, Armin |
2017 | Determinantes sociopolíticos e administrativos dos resultados das receitas municipais: perceções de Moçambique | Bunk, Saida; Forquilha, Salvador; Klawonn, Dominique; Krull, Jonathan; Sennewald, Alina; Steinhilber, Conrad; von Boeselager, Juliane; von Schiller, Armin |
2017 | Socio-political and administrative determinants of municipal revenue performance: insights from Mozambique | Bunk, Saida; Forquilha, Salvador; Klawonn, Dominique; Krull, Jonathan; Sennewald, Alina; Steinhilber, Conrad; von Boeselager, Juliane; von Schiller, Armin |
2017 | Soziopolitische und administrative Determinanten der Mobilisierung kommunaler Eigeneinnahmen: Einblicke aus Mosambik | Bunk, Saida; Forquilha, Salvador; Klawonn, Dominique; Krull, Jonathan; Sennewald, Alina; Steinhilber, Conrad; von Boeselager, Juliane; von Schiller, Armin |
2018 | Lessons learnt from impact-oriented accompanying research: potentials and limitations to rigorously assessing the impact of governance programmes | Funk, Evelyn; Groß, Lisa; Leininger, Julia; von Schiller, Armin |
2019 | Erkenntnisse aus der wirkungsorientierten Begleitforschung: Potential und Grenzen der rigorosen Wirkungsanalyse von Governance-Programmen | Funk, Evelyn; Groß, Lisa; Leininger, Julia; von Schiller, Armin |
2020 | Social protection and revenue collection: How they can jointly contribute to strengthening social cohesion | Burchi, Francesco; von Schiller, Armin; Strupat, Christoph |
2020 | Steuer- und Sozialpolitik: Ein unterschätzter Beitrag zur sozialen Kohäsion | Burchi, Francesco; Strupat, Christoph; von Schiller, Armin |
2020 | Revenue collection and social policies: Their underestimated contribution to social cohesion | Burchi, Francesco; Strupat, Christoph; von Schiller, Armin |
2021 | Social cohesion: A new definition and a proposal for its measurement in Africa | Leininger, Julia; Burchi, Francesco; Fiedler, Charlotte; Mross, Karina; Nowack, Daniel; von Schiller, Armin; Sommer, Christoph; Strupat, Christoph; Ziaja, Sebastian |
2021 | E-government and democracy in Botswana: Observational and experimental evidence on the effects of e-government usage on political attitudes | Bante, Jana; Helmig, Felix; Prasad, Lara; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Seipel, Jean Christoph; Senkpiel, Helge; Geray, Markus; von Schiller, Armin; Sebudubudu, David; Ziaja, Sebastian |
2022 | Policy responses to COVID-19: Why social cohesion and social protection matter in Africa | Leininger, Julia; von Schiller, Armin; Strupat, Christoph; Malerba, Daniele |
2023 | Improving employment and social cohesion among refugee and host communities through TVET: evidence from an impact assessment in Ethiopia | Getachew, Abis; Höckel, Lisa Sofie; Kuhnt, Jana; Muhumad, Abdirahman A.; von Schiller, Armin |
2023 | ለስደተኞች እና ለስደተኛ ተቀባይ ማህበረሰቦች የስራ እድል እና ማህበራዊ ትስስርን ለማሻሻል የቴክኒክና ሙያ ስልጠና (TVET) ያለው ሚና | Getachew, Abis; Höckel, Lisa Sofie; Kuhnt, Jana; Muhumad, Abdirahman A.; von Schiller, Armin |
2024 | Social contract and social cohesion: Synergies and tensions between two related concepts | Loewe, Markus; von Schiller, Armin; Zintl, Tina; Leininger, Julia |