Browsing All of EconStor by Author van Veelen, Matthijs

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2001Evolution in Games with a Continuous Action Spacevan Veelen, Matthijs
2002Altruism, Fairness and Evolution: the Case for Repeated Stochastic Gamesvan Veelen, Matthijs
2007Evolution of Strategies in Repeated Games with Discountingvan Veelen, Matthijs
2010But Some Neutrally Stable Strategies are More Neutrally Stable than Othersvan Veelen, Matthijs
2010In and Out of Equilibrium: Evolution of Strategies in Repeated Games with Discountingvan Veelen, Matthijs; Garcia, Julian
2012In and out of Equilibrium II: Evolution in Repeated Games with Discounting and Complexity Costsvan Veelen, Matthijs; Garcia, Julian
2014A Simple Model of Group Selection that cannot be analyzed with Inclusive Fitnessvan Veelen, Matthijs; Luo, Shishi; Simon, Burton
2016Inclusive Fitnessvan Veelen, Matthijs; Allen, Benjamin; Hoffman, Moshe; Simon, Burton; Veller, Carl
2019The cancellation effect at the group levelAkdeniz, Aslihan; van Veelen, Matthijs
2020The evolution of moralityvan Veelen, Matthijs
2020Homo Moralis and regular altruists – preference evolution for when they disagreeAkdeniz, Aslihan; Graser, Christopher; van Veelen, Matthijs
2021Mutation-selection equilibria for the ultimatum gameAkdeniz, Aslihan; van Veelen, Matthijs
2023Homo Moralis and regular altruists IIAkdeniz, Aslihan; Graser, Christopher; van Veelen, Matthijs
2024Repeated games with partner choiceGraser, Christopher; Fujiwara, Takako; García, Julián; van Veelen, Matthijs
2024The generalized price equationvan Veelen, Matthijs
2024Repeated prisoner's dilemmas with errors: How much subgameperfection, how much forgiveness, and how much cooperation?Graser, Christopher; van Veelen, Matthijs
2024The generalized version of Hamilton's rulevan Veelen, Matthijs