Browsing All of EconStor by Author Zirulia, Lorenzo
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | Knowledge Spillovers, Competition, and R&D Incentive Contracts | Lacetera, Nicola; Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2010 | Strategic Accessibility Competition | Bacchiega, Emanuele; Randon, Emanuela; Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2011 | A supply side story for a threshold model: Endogenous growth of the free and open source community | Rullani, Francesco; Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2014 | The economics of research, consulting, and teaching quality: Theory and evidence from a technical university | Bianchini, Stefano; Lissoni, Francesco; Pezzoni, Michele; Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2015 | "Should I stay or should I go?": Weather forecasts and the economics of "short breaks" | Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2015 | Add-on pricing: theory and evidence from the cruise industry | Savioli, Marco; Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2015 | "…then came Cisco, and the rest is history": a 'history friendly' model of the Local Area Networking industry | Fontana, Roberto; Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2019 | Booking in the rain: Testing the impact of public information on prices | Figini, Paolo; Cicognani, Simona; Zirulia, Lorenzo |
2020 | How to lockdown an economy: An Input Output analysis of the Italian case | Manasse, Paolo; Minerva, G. Alfredo; Patuelli, Roberto; Zirulia, Lorenzo |