Browsing All of EconStor by Author Zillmer, Sabine

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2003Regional Structural Developments in Selected Polish RegionsZillmer, Sabine
2004Regional Conditions in the Candidate Countries in Relation to ESDP ObjectivesKunkel, Kirsten; McMaster, Irene; Zillmer, Sabine
2005Chances for German-Polish Cooperation – A German Point of ViewZillmer, Sabine
2007Interregionale Ausgleichspolitik in Deutschland: Untersuchungen zu den Effekten ausgewählter Systeme zur Herstellung von "gleichwertigen Lebensverhältnissen"Rosenfeld, Martin T. W.; Alecke, Björn; Franz, Peter; Heimpold, Gerhard; Kilper, Heiderose; Kunkel, Kirsten; Untiedt, Gerhard; Zillmer, Sabine
2007Institutionenökonomische Erklärung zur räumlichen Entwicklung der WissensökonomieStein, Axel; Zillmer, Sabine
2009Abgrenzung und Operationalisierung der Wissensökonomie in DeutschlandZillmer, Sabine
2014Response to the European consultation on the future of the Europe 2020 StrategyBöhme, Kai; Finka, Maros; Gustedt, Evelyn; Schön, Karl Peter; Sielker, Franziska; Zillmer, Sabine
2019Transnational cooperation along core network corridors: The role of Corridor ForaZillmer, Sabine; Lüer, Christian
2019Spatial and transport development in European corridors - Example corridor: Orient/East-Med. Connecting and competing in spaces of European importanceBeckmann, Klaus; Endemann, Peter; Frezadou, Irini; Heinrichs, Bernhard; Heldt, Petra; Hörl, Bardo; Niedermaier, Mathias; Perić, Ana; Scholl, Bernd; Schönwandt, Walter; Siegmann, Jürgen; Vetsch, Hans-Peter; Voigt, Andreas; Zillmer, Sabine