Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1998 | The performance of innovation networks in transition economies: An empirical study of Slovenia | Bross, Ulrike; Zenker, Andrea |
1999 | The regional embeddedness of small manufacturing and service firms: regional networking as knowledge source for innovation? | Koschatzky, Knut; Zenker, Andrea |
2000 | Regionale Verteilung von Innovations- und Technologiepotentialen in Deutschland und Europa: Endbericht an das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Referat Z 25 - Kurzfassung der Projektergebnisse | Koschatzky, Knut; Muller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea; Eickelpasch, Alexander; Pfeiffer, Ingo; Dohse, Dirk; Bode, Eckhardt; Gehrke, Birgit; Legler, Harald; Schmidt, Jörg |
2001 | Business services as actors of knowledge transformation and diffusion: some empirical findings on the role of KIBS in regional and national innovation systems | Muller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea |
2006 | A regional typology of innovation capacities in new member States & candidate countries | Muller, Emmanuel; Jappe-Heinze, Arlette; Héraud, Jean-Alain; Zenker, Andrea |
2008 | Services à forte intensité de connaissances, contexte régional et comportements d'innovation: une comparaison internationale | Doloreux, David; Zenker, Andrea; Muller, Emmanuel |
2009 | France: innovation system and innovation policy | Muller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea; Héraud, Jean-Alain |
2009 | Entering the KIBS' black box: there must be an angel! (or is there something like a knowledge angel?) | Muller, Emmanuel; Zenker, Andrea; Héraud, Jean-Alain |
2011 | La mesure de l'impact des clusters: Quelques éléments de réflexion et de bibliographie | Muller, Emmanuel; Héraud, Jean-Alain; Menz, Nina; Benaim, Mickael; Zenker, Andrea |
2013 | Templates of smart specialisation: Experiences of place-based regional development strategies in Germany and Austria | Baier, Elisabeth; Kroll, Henning; Zenker, Andrea |
2013 | Regional autonomy with regard to innovation policy: A differentiated illustration of the European status quo | Baier, Elisabeth; Kroll, Henning; Zenker, Andrea |
2014 | The role of associations in regional innovation systems | Koschatzky, Knut; Schnabl, Esther; Zenker, Andrea; Stahlecker, Thomas; Kroll, Henning |
2014 | From smart concept to challenging practice: How European regions deal with the Commission's request for novel innovation strategies | Kroll, Henning; Muller, Emmanuel; Schnabl, Esther; Zenker, Andrea |
2016 | Opening up the innovation system framework towards new actors and institutions | Warnke, Philine; Koschatzky, Knut; Dönitz, Ewa; Zenker, Andrea; Stahlecker, Thomas; Som, Oliver; Cuhls, Kerstin; Güth, Sandra |
2018 | Evaluierung des Einsatzes von Fördermitteln im Rahmen der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur" (GRW) in Thüringen für den Zeitraum 2011-2016 | Brachert, Matthias; Brautzsch, Hans-Ulrich; Dettmann, Eva; Giebler, Alexander; Haug, Peter; Heimpold, Gerhard; Meyborg, Mirja; Schnabl, Esther; Schneider, Lutz; Stahlecker, Thomas; Titze, Mirko; Zenker, Andrea |
2022 | Regional perspectives on socio-technical transitions: Combining research insights from geography of innovation and transition studies | Hansmeier, Hendrik; Koschatzky, Knut; Zenker, Andrea; Stahlecker, Thomas |
2022 | Transformative Entwicklungsprozesse in strukturschwachen Regionen des Wandels | Koschatzky, Knut; Hansmeier, Hendrik; Schnabl, Esther; Stahlecker, Thomas; Wittmann, Florian; Zenker, Andrea |
2024 | Innovation without growth? Exploring the (in)dependency of innovation on economic growth | Heyen, Nils B.; Zenker, Andrea; Aichinger, Heike; Bratan, Tanja; Kaufmann, Tanja; Schnabl, Esther |