Browsing All of EconStor by Author Zanetti, Francesco

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Technology shocks, employment, and labor market frictionsMandelman, Federico S.; Zanetti, Francesco
2013Flexible prices, labor market frictions, and the response of employment to technology shocksMandelman, Federico S.; Zanetti, Francesco
2017News Shocks under Financial FrictionsGörtz, Christoph; Tsoukalas, John; Zanetti, Francesco
2019The effect of news shocks and monetary policyGambetti, Luca; Görtz, Christoph; Korobilis, Dimitris; Tsoukalas, John D.; Zanetti, Francesco
2019Search complementarities, aggregate fluctuations, and fiscal policyFernández-Villaverde, Jesús; Mandelman, Federico S.; Yu, Yang; Zanetti, Francesco
2020News Shocks under Financial FrictionsGörtz, Christoph; Tsoukalas, John D.; Zanetti, Francesco
2020State dependence in labor market fluctuationsPizzinelli, Carlo; Theodoridis, Konstantinos; Zanetti, Francesco
2021The "Matthew effect" and market concentration: Search complementarities and monopsony powerFernández-Villaverde, Jesús; Mandelman, Federico S.; Yu, Yang; Zanetti, Francesco
2021The "Matthew Effect" and Market Concentration: Search Complementarities and Monopsony PowerFernández-Villaverde, Jesús; Mandelman, Federico; Yu, Yang; Zanetti, Francesco
2022The signaling effects of fiscal announcementsMelosi, Leonardo; Morita, Hiroshi; Zanetti, Francesco
2023Agreed and Disagreed UncertaintyGambetti, Luca; Korobilis, Dimitris; Tsoukalas, John D.; Zanetti, Francesco
2024Slowdown in immigration, labor shortages, and declining skill premiaMandelman, Federico S.; Yu, Yang; Zanetti, Francesco; Zlate, Andrei
2024The Causal Effects of Global Supply Chain Disruptions on Macroeconomic Outcomes: Evidence and TheoryBai, Xiwen; Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús; Li, Yiliang; Zanetti, Francesco
2024The Adoption and Termination of Suppliers over the Business CycleXu, Le; Yu, Yang; Zanetti, Francesco
2024Technological Synergies, Heterogeneous Firms, and Idiosyncratic VolatilityFernández-Villaverde, Jésus; Yu, Yang; Zanetti, Francesco
2024Unemployment in a Commodity-Rich Economy: How Relevant Is Dutch Disease?Kulish, Mariano; Morley, James; Yamout, Nadine; Zanetti, Francesco