Browsing All of EconStor by Author Yamada, Gustavo

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Calidad del empleo y productividad laboral en el PerúChacaltana, Juan; Yamada, Gustavo
2015An Unfulfilled Promise? Higher Education Quality and Professional Underemployment in PeruYamada, Gustavo; Lavado, Pablo; Martínez, Joan J.
2015Fear of Labor Rigidities: The Role of Expectations on Employment Growth in PeruLavado, Pablo; Yamada, Gustavo
2015The boom in university graduates and the risk of underemploymentYamada, Gustavo
2016The Effect of One Laptop per Child on Teachers' Pedagogical Practices and Students' Use of Time at HomeYamada, Gustavo; Lavado, Pablo; Montenegro, Guadalupe
2016The Effect of Fe y Alegria on School Achievement: Exploiting a School Lottery Selection as a Natural ExperimentLavado, Pablo; Cueto, Santiago; Yamada, Gustavo; Wensjoe, Micaela
2018Labor market consequences of the college boom around the worldYamada, Gustavo; Lavado, Pablo
2018What Stops Poor Girls from Going to College? Skill Development and Access to Higher Education in a Developing CountryMolina, Oswaldo; Santa María, Diego; Yamada, Gustavo
2018I Read the News Today, Oh Boy: The Effect of Crime News Coverage on Crime Perception and TrustVelásquez, Daniel; Medina, Santiago; Yamada, Gustavo; Lavado, Pablo; Núñez, Miguel; Alatrista, Hugo; Morzan, Juandiego
2020Do Inclusive Education Policies Improve Employment Opportunities? Evidence from a Field ExperimentAgüero, Jorge M.; Galarza, Francisco; Yamada, Gustavo
2020Spillovers and Long-Run Effects of Messages on Tax Compliance: Experimental Evidence from PeruCastro, Juan Francisco; Velásquez, Daniel; Beltrán, Arlette; Yamada, Gustavo
2022The Magnitude and Predictors of Overeducation and Overskilling in Latin America: Evidence from PIAACCastro, Juan Francisco; Ortega, Lorena; Yamada, Gustavo; Mata, David
2023Economic Mobility and Fairness in a Developing Country: Evidence from PeruCastro, Juan Francisco; Yamada, Gustavo; Medina, Santiago; Armas, Joaquin