Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wolthoff, Ronald P.

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2006Early Retirement Behaviour in the Netherlands: Evidence from a Policy ReformEuwals, Rob; van Vuuren, Daniel J.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2006Simultaneous Search with Heterogeneous Firms and Ex Post CompetitionGautier, Pieter A.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2006Simultaneous search with heterogeneous firms and ex post competitionGautier, Pieter A.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2007Structural Estimation of Search Intensity: Do Non-Employed Workers Search Enough?Gautier, Pieter A.; Moraga-Gonzalez, Jose Luis; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2007Structural estimation of search intensity: do non-employed workers search enough?Gautier, Pieter A.; Moraga-González, José Luis; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2010Applications and interviews: A structural analysis of two-sided simultaneous searchWolthoff, Ronald P.
2011Applications and interviews: A structural analysis of two-sided simultaneous searchWolthoff, Ronald P.
2011Applications and interviews: A structural analysis of two-sided simultaneous searchWolthoff, Ronald P.
2011It's about time: Implications of the period length in an equilibrium job search modelWolthoff, Ronald P.
2012Becker meets Ricardo: Multisector matching with social and cognitive skillsMcCann, Robert J.; Shi, Xianwen; Siow, Aloysius; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2014Meeting Technologies and Optimal Trading Mechanisms in Competitive Search MarketsLester, Benjamin R.; Visschers, Ludo; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2015Opening the Black Box of the Matching Function: The Power of WordsMarinescu, Ioana E.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2016Search Frictions, Competing Mechanisms and Optimal Market SegmentationCai, Xiaoming; Gautier, Pieter A.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2016Competing with Asking PricesLester, Benjamin; Visschers, Ludo; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2016Search Frictions, Competing Mechanisms and Optimal Market SegmentationCai, Xiaoming; Gautier, Pieter A.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2021Search, Screening and SortingCai, Xiaoming; Gautier, Pieter A.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2021Search, Screening and SortingCai, Xiaoming; Gautier, Pieter A.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2024Simultaneous Search and Adverse SelectionAuster, Sarah; Gottardi, Piero; Wolthoff, Ronald P.
2024Spatial SearchCai, Xiaoming; Gautier, Pieter A.; Wolthoff, Ronald P.