Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wollni, Meike

Showing results 1 to 20 of 40
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Productive efficiency of specialty and conventional coffee farmers in Costa Rica: Accounting for technological heterogeneity and self-selectionWollni, Meike; Brümmer, Bernhard
2013Spatial patterns of organic agriculture adoption: evidence from HondurasWollni, Meike; Andersson, Camilla
2013Traditional food crop marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does gender matter?Handschuch, Christina; Wollni, Meike
2013Improved production systems for traditional food crops: The case of finger millet in Western KenyaHandschuch, Christina; Wollni, Meike
2014Market discrimination, market participation and control over revenue: A gendered analysis of Cameroon's cocoa producersBanerjee, Debosree; Klasen, Stephan; Wollni, Meike
2014Making it personal: Breach and private ordering in a contract farming experimentKunte, Sebastian; Wollni, Meike; Keser, Claudia
2014Supplier dynamics in horticultural export chains: Evidence from EcuadorRomero, Cristina; Wollni, Meike
2014Oil Palm Boom and Land-Use Dynamics in Indonesia: The Role of Policies and Socioeconomic FactorsGatto, Marcel; Wollni, Meike; Qaim, Matin
2015Understanding participation in modern supply chains under a social network perspective: Evidence from blackberry farmers in the Ecuadorian AndesHerforth, Nico; Theuvsen, Ludwig; Vásquez, Wilson; Wollni, Meike
2015Supplier dynamics in horticultural export chains: Evidence from Ecuador. Revised VersionRomero, Cristina; Wollni, Meike
2015Volunteering to take on power: Experimental evidence from matrilineal and patriarchal societies in IndiaBanerjee, Debosree; Ibañez, Marcela; Riener, Gerhard; Wollni, Meike
2015The effect of opportunistic behavior on trust: An experimental approachRomero, Cristina; Wollni, Meike
2015Social network effects on mobile money adoption in UgandaMurendo, Conrad; Wollni, Meike; de Brauw, Alan; Mugabi, Nicholas
2015Conservation vs. equity: Can payments for environmental services achieve both?Vorlaufer, Miriam; Ibanez, Marcela; Juanda, Bambang; Wollni, Meike
2015Risky environments, hidden knowledge, and preferences for contract flexibility: An artefactual field experimentKunte, Sebastian; Wollni, Meike
2015Volunteering to take on power: Experimental evidence from matrilineal and patriarchal societies in IndiaBanerjee, Debosree; Ibanez, Marcela; Riener, Gerhard; Wollni, Meike
2015Neuere Theorien und Methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des LandbausMußhoff, Oliver; Brümmer, Bernhard; Hamm, Ulrich; Marggraf, Rainer; Möller, Detlev; Qaim, Matin; Spiller, Achim; Theuvsen, Ludwig; von Cramon­Taubadel, Stephan; Wollni, Meike
2015Oil Palm Boom, Contract Farming, and Village Development: Evidence from IndonesiaGatto, Marcel; Wollni, Meike; Rosyani, Ir.; Qaim, Matin
2016The role of Fairtrade certification for wages and job satisfaction of plantation workersKrumbiegel, Katharina; Maertens, Miet; Wollni, Meike
2016Mobile money and household food security in UgandaMurendo, Conrad; Wollni, Meike