Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wey, Christian

Showing results 1 to 20 of 110
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1998Location costs, product quality, and implicit franchise contractsHaucap, Justus; Wey, Christian; Barmbold, Jens
1999Marktorganisation durch Standardisierung: ein Beitrag zur Neuen Institutionenökonomik des MarktesWey, Christian
1999Standortwahl als FranchisingproblemHaucap, Justus; Wey, Christian
1999The incentives of employers' associations to raise rivals' costs in the presence of collective bargainingHaucap, Justus; Pauly, Uwe; Wey, Christian
1999Compatibility investments in duopoly with demand side spillovers under different degrees of cooperationWey, Christian
1999Compatibility Investments in Duopoly With Demand Side Spillovers Under Different Degrees of CooperationWey, Christian
2000Market structure, bargaining, and technology choiceInderst, Roman; Wey, Christian
2000Collective wage setting when wages are generally binding: an antitrust perspectiveHaucap, Justus; Pauly, Uwe; Wey, Christian
2001Bargaining, mergers, and technology choice in bilaterally oligopolistic industriesInderst, Roman; Wey, Christian
2001Zur Debatte: Deutsch als WissenschaftsspracheDieter, Hermann H.; Simonis, Udo E.; Vilmar, Fritz; Klingemann, Hans-Dieter; Wey, Christian; Sticket, Gerhard
2001The incentives for takeover in oligopolyInderst, Roman; Wey, Christian
2002Unionization structures and firms incentives for productivity enhancing investmentsHaucap, Justus; Wey, Christian
2002Merger control in the new economyRöller, Lars-Hendrik; Wey, Christian
2002Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache durch Qualität "Made in Germany"Wey, Christian
2003Unionisation Structures and Innovation IncentivesHaucap, Justus; Wey, Christian
2003Buyer power and supplier incentivesInderst, Roman; Wey, Christian
2004Made in Germany: verbesserter Schutz des Gütesiegels erforderlichWey, Christian
2004Neue Märkte unter dem neuen Rechtsrahmen: EndberichtWey, Christian; Baake, Pio; Kamecke, Ulrich
2004Unionisation Structures and Innovation IncentivesWey, Christian; Haucap, Justus
2004The Incentives for Takeover in OligopolyInderst, Roman; Wey, Christian