Browsing All of EconStor by Author Westphalen, Jürgen
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1963 | Neue Impulse für die "Allianz für den Fortschritt"? | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1966 | Entwicklungspolitische Konsequenzen der Bevölkerungsexplosion in Lateinamerika | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1966 | Effects on development of the population explosion in Latin America | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1969 | Population explosion and development policy | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1970 | A critical reply to dom hélder câmara | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1970 | A German/Latin American economic congress? | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1972 | Latin America and the European communities | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1974 | Limitations of export promotion | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1976 | Economic growth or redistribution? | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1977 | Latin America’s external indebtedness | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1982 | Friedman versus Keynes in Latin America | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1984 | Origin and consequences of the debt crisis and ways of solving it | Westphalen, Jürgen |
1991 | The development finance challenges facing Latin America in the 1990s | Westphalen, Jürgen |