Browsing All of EconStor by Author Westerhoff, Frank

Showing results 1 to 20 of 31
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2003Nonlinearities and Cyclical Behavior: The Role of Chartists and FundamentalistsReitz, Stefan; Westerhoff, Frank
2009Effects of inflation expectations on macroeconomic dynamics: Extrapolative versus regressive expectationsLines, Marji; Westerhoff, Frank
2009A simple model of a speculative housing marketDieci, Roberto; Westerhoff, Frank
2009A simple agent-based financial market model: Direct interactions and comparisons of trading profitsWesterhoff, Frank
2009Disclosure requirements, the release of new information and market efficiency: new insights from agent-based modelsHermsen, Oliver; Witte, Björn-Christopher; Westerhoff, Frank
2010Disclosure requirements, the release of new information and market efficiency: new insights from agent-based modelsHermsen, Oliver; Witte, Björn-Christopher; Westerhoff, Frank
2011On the inherent instability of international financial markets: Natural nonlinear interactions between stock and foreign exchange marketsDieci, Roberto; Westerhoff, Frank
2011Interactions between the real economy and the stock marketWesterhoff, Frank
2011A simple financial market model with chartists and fundamentalists: market entry levels and discontinuitiesTramontana, Fabio; Westerhoff, Frank; Gardini, Laura
2011Structural stochastic volatility in asset pricing dynamics: Estimation and model contestFranke, Reiner; Westerhoff, Frank
2011Why a simple herding model may generate the stylized facts of daily returns: Explanation and estimationFranke, Reiner; Westerhoff, Frank
2012Agent-based models for economic policy design: Two illustrative examplesWesterhoff, Frank; Franke, Reiner
2012The bull and bear market model of Huang and Day : Some extensions and new resultsTramontana, Fabio; Westerhoff, Frank; Gardini, Laura
2013Speculative behavior and the dynamics of interacting stock marketsSchmitt, Noemi; Westerhoff, Frank
2013Positive welfare effects of trade barriers in a dynamic equilibrium modelTuinstra, Jan; Wegener, Michael; Westerhoff, Frank
2015Heterogeneous expectations, boom-bust housing cycles, and supply conditions: A nonlinear dynamics approachDieci, Roberto; Westerhoff, Frank
2015Managing rational routes to randomnessSchmitt, Noemi; Westerhoff, Frank
2015Evolutionary competition and profit taxes: market stability versus tax burdenSchmitt, Noemi; Westerhoff, Frank
2015Side effects of nonlinear profit taxes in an evolutionary market entry model: abrupt changes, coexisting attractors and hysteresis problemsSchmitt, Noemi; Tuinstra, Jan; Westerhoff, Frank
2016Herding behavior and volatility clustering in financial marketsSchmitt, Noemi; Westerhoff, Frank