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2012Life Expectancy, Labor Supply, and Long-Run Growth: Reconciling Theory and EvidenceStrulik, Holger; Werner, Katharina
2012Life expectancy, labor supply, and long-run growth: Reconciling theory and evidenceStrulik, Holger; Werner, Katharina
201350 is the new 30: Long-run trends of schooling and retirement explained by human agingStrulik, Holger; Werner, Katharina
2014Human capital, basic research, and applied research: three dimensions of human knowledge and their differential growth effectsWerner, Katharina; Prettner, Klaus
2014Elite education, mass education, and the transition to modern growthStrulik, Holger; Werner, Katharina
2014Human capital, basic research, and applied research: Three dimensions of human knowledge and their differential growth effectsPrettner, Klaus; Werner, Katharina
2014Was die Deutschen über die Bildungspolitik denken – Ergebnisse des ersten ifo BildungsbarometersWößmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Kugler, Franziska; Werner, Katharina
2015Public education and R&D-based economic growthWerner, Katharina; Prettner, Klaus
2015Is Seeing Believing? How Americans and Germans Think about their SchoolsHenderson, Michael B.; Lergetporer, Philipp; Peterson, Paul E.; Werner, Katharina; West, Martin R.; Woessmann, Ludger
2015Deutsche sind zu grundlegenden Bildungsreformen bereit – Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2015Wößmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Kugler, Franziska; Oestreich, Laura; Werner, Katharina
2015Elite Education, Mass Education, and the Transition to Modern GrowthStrulik, Holger; Werner, Katharina
2016Denken Lehrkräfte anders über die Bildungspolitik als die Gesamtbevölkerung? - Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2016Wößmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Kugler, Franziska; Werner, Katharina
2016Whom do people trust after a violent conflict? Experimental evidence from Maluku, IndonesiaWerner, Katharina
2016How Information Affects Support for Education Spending: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Germany and the United StatesWest, Martin R.; Woessmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina
2016How Information Affects Support for Education Spending: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Germany and the United StatesWest, Martin R.; Woessmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina
2016Information and Preferences for Public Spending: Evidence from Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Schwerdt, Guido; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2016Bildungsmaßnahmen zur Integration der Flüchtlinge – Was die Deutschen befürwortenWößmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Kugler, Franziska; Werner, Katharina
2016Information and Preferences for Public Spending: Evidence from Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Schwerdt, Guido; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2016Emotional numbing and lessons learned after a violent conflict - Experimental evidence from Ambon, IndonesiaWerner, Katharina; Graf Lambsdorff, Johann
2016Emotion vs. cognition - Experimental evidence on cooperation from the 2014 Soccer World CupGraf Lambsdorff, Johann; Giamattei, Marcus; Werner, Katharina; Schubert, Manuel