Browsing All of EconStor by Author Weder, Rolf

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004To Wait or Not to Wait: Swiss EU-Membership as an Investment under UncertaintySpirig, Beat; Weder, Rolf
2007Das Parallelimportverbot der Schweiz aus Sicht der AussenhandelstheorieWeder, Rolf
2008To Wait or Not to Wait: Swiss EU-Membership as an Investment under UncertaintySpirig, Beat; Weder, Rolf
2009Produktevielfalt, Wettbewerb und "Gains from Variety" in der SchweizWeder, Rolf; Mohler, Lukas
2009How to Explain the High Prices in Switzerland?Sax, Christoph; Weder, Rolf
2009Der Effekt von Parallelhandel auf die regulierten MedikamentenpreiseWeder, Rolf; Schläpfer, Alain
2009Umverteilungseffekte der Globalisierung: Bedrohung der niedrig qualifizierten Arbeitskräfte in der Schweiz?Weder, Rolf; Wyss, Simone
2009Switzerland's rise to a wealthy nation: Competition and contestability as key success factorsWeder, Beatrice; Weder, Rolf
2010Bedeutung des Bankenplatzes BaselGantenbein, Pascal; Rutzer, Christian; Weder, Rolf; Zaby, Simon
2011International Trade in Variety and Domestic ProductionLewrick, Ulf; Mohler, Lukas; Weder, Rolf
2011Potenziale des Bankenplatzes BaselGantenbein, Pascal; Weder, Rolf
2015Shark Hunting: International Trade and the Imminent Extinction of Heterogeneous SpeciesErhardt, Tobias; Weder, Rolf
2016Die Schweizer Wirtschaft zwischen Hammer und Amboss: Eine Analyse der "Franken-Schocks" 2010/11 und 2015Flückiger, Matthias; Rutzer, Christian; Weder, Rolf
2018International trade and unemployment: Towards an investigation of the Swiss caseMohler, Lukas; Weder, Rolf; Wyss, Simone Deborah
2019Breaking up: Experimental insights into economic (dis)integrationCamera, Gabriele; Hohl, Lukas; Weder, Rolf
2020Estimating the green potential of occupations: A new approach applied to the U.S. labor marketRutzer, Christian; Niggli, Matthias; Weder, Rolf
2023The illusive slump of disruptive patentsMacher, Jeffrey T.; Rutzer, Christian; Weder, Rolf
2024On the importance of Swiss patient data for pharmaceutical R&D in SwitzerlandBentele, Riccardo; Weder, Rolf
2024Does early regional scientific leadership translate into lasting innovation advantage?Filimonovic, Dragan; Rutzer, Christian; Macher, Jeffrey T.; Weder, Rolf