Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wagner, Karin

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1991Regionalpolitik in Ostdeutschland: Maßnahmen, Implementationsprobleme und erste ErgebnisseFritsch, Michael; Wagner, Karin; Eckhardt, Carl Friedrich
1998The German apprenticeship system after unificationWagner, Karin
2000International Trends in the Quantity and Quality of Entrants to Computer Science Courses in Higher EducationBruniaux, Christine; Hansen, Kirstine; Steedman, Hilary; Vignoles, Anna; Wagner, Karin
2000The "IT Productivity Paradox" Revisited: International Comparisons of Information Technology, Work Organisation and Productivity in Service IndustriesMason, Geoff; Wagner, Karin; Finegold, David; Keltner, Brent
2004Sectoral specialisation in the EU a macroeconomic perspectivevan Riet, Ad; Ernst, Ekkehard; Madaschi, Christophe; Orlandi, Fabrice; Rivera, Alvaro Santos; Robert, Benoît; Döpke, Jörg; Backinezos, Constantina; Bardakas, Ioanna; Mora, Esther Gordo; Barontini, Christian; Cassidy, Mark; Trento, Sandro; Walch, Erik; Buitenkamp, Bouke; Wagner, Karin; Reis, Hugo; Herrala, Risto; Sethi, Faisel; Gustavsson, Kurt; Labhard, Vincent; MPC Task Force of the ESCB
2005Competitiveness and the export performance of the euro areadi Mauro, Filippo; Anderton, Robert; Ernst, Ekkehard; Maurin, Laurent; Pokutova, Sonia; Melyn, Wim; Jochem, Axel; Pakinezou, N. M.; Torres, Javier; Lecat, Remy; Cassidy, Mark; Tedeschi, Roberto; Walch, Erik; Eggelte, Jurriann; Wagner, Karin; Abreu, Ildeberta; Kinnunen, Helvi; Blattner, Tobias; Santis, Roberto De; Oliveira-Soires, Rodrigo; Shen, Jian-Guang; Sydow, Matthias; Warmedinger, Thomas; Zumer, Tina; Nelissen, Iris; Breda, Emanuelle; Ad Hoc Task Force on "Competitiveness and the Export Performance of the Euro Area"
2007The impact of national ICT qualification systems on companies' recruitment practices: an Anglo-German comparisonSteedman, Hilary; Wagner, Karin
2009Housing Finance in the Euro AreaDrudi, Francesco; Köhler-Ulbrich, Petra; Protopapa, Marco; Slacalek, Jiri; Sørensen, Christoffer Kok; Wolswijk, Guido; Salvador, Ramón Gómez; Magono, Ruth; Valckx, Nico; Stöss, Elmar; Hebbink, Gerbert; Wagner, Karin; Walko, Zoltan; Zachary, Marie Denise; Magri, Silvia; Bartiloro, Laura; Mistrulli, Paolo; Asimakopoulos, Yannis; Georgakopoulos, Vasilis; Kasselaki, Maria; Pagés, Jorge Martínez; Weber, Romain; Argyridou, Christiana; Zammit, Wendy; Ribeiro, Nuno; Gabrielli, Daniel; Doyle, Nicola; Hasko, Harri; Task Force of the Monetary Policy Committee of the European System of Central Banks
2011Financial aspects of apprenticeship training in Germany, Great Britain an Switzerland / Finanzielle Aspekte der betrieblichen Ausbildung in Deutschland, Großbritannien und der SchweizRyan, Paul; Wagner, Karin; Teuber, Silvia; Backes-Gellner, Uschi