Browsing All of EconStor by Author Vesala, Jukka
Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1992 | Incomplete exchange rate pass-through and hysteresis in trade: A survey of recent theories and an empirical study of export pricing of Finnish paper manufacturies | Vesala, Jukka |
1994 | Finnish deposit banks 1980-1993: years of rapid growth and crisis | Koskenkylä, Heikki; Vesala, Jukka |
1995 | Testing for competition in banking: Behavioral evidence from Finland | Vesala, Jukka |
1998 | Delivery networks and pricing behaviour in banking: An empirical investigation using Finnish data | Vesala, Jukka |
1998 | Technological transformation and nonbank competition in a model of retail banking oligopoly | Vesala, Jukka |
1998 | On the problems of the home country control | Mayes, David; Vesala, Jukka |
1999 | Forecasting the electronification of payments with learning curves: The case of Finland | Snellman, Jussi; Vesala, Jukka |
2000 | Substitution on noncash payment instruments for cash in Europe | Snellman, Jussi; Vesala, Jukka; Humphrey, David |
2000 | Technological transformation and retail banking competition: Implications and measurement | Vesala, Jukka |
2001 | Deposit insurance and moral hazard: does the counterfactual matter? | Gropp, Reint E.; Vesala, Jukka |
2002 | Banking integration in the euro area | Cabral, Inês; Dierick, Frank; Vesala, Jukka |
2002 | Equity and bond market signals as leading indicators of bank fragility | Gropp, Reint E.; Vesala, Jukka; Vulpes, Giuseppe |
2004 | Deposit insurance, moral hazard and market monitoring | Gropp, Reint E.; Vesala, Jukka |
2005 | Analysing banking sector conditions - how to use macro-prudential indicators | Mörttinen, Leena; Poloni, Paolo; Sandars, Patrick; Vesala, Jukka |
2006 | Cross-border bank contagion in Europe | Gropp, Reint E.; Lo Duca, Marco; Vesala, Jukka |
2007 | Cross-Border Bank Contagion in Europe | Gropp, Reint E.; Lo Duca, Marco; Vesala, Jukka |
2010 | The Quest for Stability: The Financial Stability View | Brouwer, Henk J.; Schoenmaker, Dirk; Vesala, Jukka; Brink, Nicola; Kock, Michael |
2014 | Banking After Regulatory Reforms - Business as Usual? | Quintana, Javier Arribas; Levin, Mattias; Soares, Elleonora; Vesala, Jukka; Blinder, Alan S.; Liikanen, Erkki; Tucker, Paul |