Browsing All of EconStor by Author Vasishtha, Garima
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | Some Patterns in Center-State Fiscal Transfers in India: An Illustrative Analysis | Singh, Nirvikar; Vasishtha, Garima |
2007 | Domestic versus external borrowing and fiscal policy in emerging markets | Vasishtha, Garima |
2008 | Good policies or good fortune: What drives the compression in emerging market spreads? | Maier, Philipp; Vasishtha, Garima |
2009 | Assessing the implementation of the IMF's 2007 surveillance decision | Lavigne, Robert; Vasishtha, Garima |
2011 | The impact of the global business cycle on small open economies: A FAVAR approach for Canada | Vasishtha, Garima; Maier, Philipp |
2012 | Growth in emerging market economies and the commodity boom of 2003 - 2008: Evidence from growth forecast revisions | Arbatli, Elif C.; Vasishtha, Garima |
2014 | The Impact of U.S. Monetary Policy Normalization on Capital Flows to Emerging-Market Economies | Dahlhaus, Tatjana; Vasishtha, Garima |
2015 | What Drives Bank-Intermediated Trade Finance? Evidence from Cross-Country Analysis | Serena Garralda, Jose Maria; Vasishtha, Garima |
2015 | Nowcasting BRIC+M in Real Time | Dahlhaus, Tatjana; Guénette, Justin-Damien; Vasishtha, Garima |