Browsing All of EconStor by Author Vasilev, Aleksandar

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002-12Testing three models in international economics: The Purchasing Power Parity Model, the Interest Rate Parity Model and the Monetary Model: The case of the Turkish Lira and the US Dollar (1975-1999)Vasilev, Aleksandar; Pavlov, Plamen; Rainov, Stefan; Kovatchev, Tsvetoslav
2004Growth and Convergence in the Central and East European Countries towards EU /1992-2002/Vasilev, Aleksandar; American University in Bulgaria, Economics Department Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
2006Consumption Modeling: Country studies on Sweden, Denmark and JapanVasilev, Aleksandar; Tsokol, Andrii; Zharikova, Irina; Szasz, Noemi; Starcheva, Ralica; Kiss, Norbert
2006Business Cycles in Bulgaria and the Baltic Countries: An RBC ApproachVasilev, Aleksandar; Central European University (CEU), Economics Department Budapest, Hungary
2008Payroll Tax and WelfareVasilev, Aleksandar
2009Business cycles in Bulgaria and the Baltic countries: an RBC approachVasilev, Aleksandar
2009Central and Eastern Europe: Twenty Years After. Executive Summary of the Summer School in Vama Veche, Romania, 20-25 July, 2009Bobanovic, Marsa; Geamanu, Mihai; Kauzlaric, Fran; Koutsoukis, Alexandros; Partac, Iuliana; Pode, Zamira; Pop, Oana Elena; Vasilev, Aleksandar
2009Application of Monte Carlo Methods: Computing Heterogeneous Agent Models Without Aggregate UncertaintyVasilev, Aleksandar
2009-09Solving Hayashi and Prescott (2007) by log-linearizationVasilev, Aleksandar
2009-10Solving Hayashi and Prescott (2007) "The 1990s: Japan's Lost Decade"(extended with an exogenous population growth and labour-augmenting technical progress) using a Linear-Quadratic Approximation as in Ljungqvist and Sargent (2004)Vasilev, Aleksandar
2010The Law of one price in Scandinavian Duty-Free Stores: A ReportVasilev, Aleksandar
2010Critical analysis of Chapter 23 of Keynes’s Notes on Mercantilism in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936)Vasilev, Aleksandar; Maksumov, Rashid
2010Which Dilemmas of Policy Making Under Thatcher and Reagan Can Be Identified in the Transition Economies of 1990s?Vasilev, Aleksandar
2010Administrating and Financing the Health Care System in BulgariaVasilev, Aleksandar; Kocharkov, Georgi
2010“A Framework for Identifying the sources of Local currency Price stability with an empirical application” (2007): A Research ReportVasilev, Aleksandar
2010Coping With Antiglobalization: A CritiqueVasilev, Aleksandar
2010Testing for the existence of an S-curve in Croatia, Hungary, and Slovenia: A NoteVasilev, Aleksandar
2013Fiscal policy in a Real-Business-Cycle model with labor-intensive government services and endogenous public sector wages and hoursVasilev, Aleksandar
2013Cyclical and welfare effects of public sector unions in a Real-Business-Cycle modelVasilev, Aleksandar
2013On the cost of rent-seeking by government bureaucrats in a Real-Business-Cycle frameworkVasilev, Aleksandar